SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I mean that’s all tier lists in a nutshell anyways lol.

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Making a tier list right now feels pretty hard: there have not been a lot of major tournaments lately, a lot of characters feel strong enough to be used at high levels either as main or counter picks, a bunch of high tier characters were nerfed but it’s hard to tell how much and how greatly their position changed. I ended up giving up on making a tier list right now because too many characters would have ended up in arbitrary placements.

All I know for sure is that Rashid and Akuma are top tier (I think Rashid is actually slightly stronger than Akuma right now) and Ed is the worst character in the game (Vega is not a real character, so I’m not counting him).

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I don’t think eventhubs ever even reset their tierlist, so this might be a combination of votes between seasons 1 and 4. Which of course results in an absolute clusterfuck of a tierlist.

I think the idea behind their system isn’t bad (people voting on matchups and those votes are generating the tierlist) but the obvious issues here is that everyone and their mom can vote and that they only have one tierlist for four very differently balanced seasons.

If you’d let the Top128 of any major tournament vote like this we’d probably get a pretty decent list as a result.

Lot of the time a good character might never get full recognition because they don’t have a huge playerbase of top level players behind them.

Juri in Ultra SFIV, was in my mind no doubt near top 5 end of the game, but only Aiai managed to do much with her. Momochi tried her, but got nowhere near optimising her.

So it’s really hard to prove some tier lists when the current trend is to base em purely on CPT results.


Ed’s 4.5 buffs will change everything

I hope :sob:

At least one character I liked was good…


MOV on the late night.


…yeah, I think I’m just gonna stay with Menat if I want to play a second character. Gotta stop only looking at the match-up functions and realize despite everything, Menat’s the character I enjoy the most alongside Ed. Gotta make what I enjoy work rather than forcing something solely because of match-ups.

Thanks again @Frost for punting me back onto the Ed train a while back…as much as it’s in dire need of some fixes X3


I think you gotta play a character you like at least a little bit.

Trying to force a round peg into a square hole doesn’t work for most people.

I think you can make Menat work.

u still suck work harder

And thanks for the honesty~

Go learn some VT1 setups

Yes sir

o7 and don’t come back until you can show me some grimey mixes


You Already know how to confirm into VT1. Learn a reset mixup in that sequence, you get to reset the scaling.

I think Frost meant Ed’s VTI

I only really use it to convert off of buttons from range or confirm from certain stmp CH ranges, I don’t really have any mix-ups off of it outside of a throw bait that I always mess up

That too.

Right now you can basically hit me with everything because I haven’t dealt with any of it very much. But I will catch on…

… eventually.

Good on you man, rock your pairing. It’s not worth agonizing over covering match ups and such. Just having a second char to throw out there is gonna be more than most people have anyways.

Also goddamn how many pics did you commission??? Not that I’m complaining. Dias does quality work.

2-0 over problem.
I am the best. Online matters.


Ranked today with my girl Juri.Some wins , some losses , rollback strikes, salt in full effect.


I have around 300 pics from Dias since last year

Someone needs to keep the guy fed if you guys won’t~