I’m sure but I feel like we see it a lot more now due to the presence of social media, where the behavior is encouraged.
SFV disks
LeBron jerseys
Nike shoes
American flags
Shit is hella childish
I’m sure but I feel like we see it a lot more now due to the presence of social media, where the behavior is encouraged.
SFV disks
LeBron jerseys
Nike shoes
American flags
Shit is hella childish
This thread is turning into Cabin Fever. You guys need to accept Yoga into your lives. This game is learning one very different character away from being fresh.
Actually LTG is a pretty decent player.
He limits himself a lot with the kind of attitude he embraced.
Pretty sure he would be much better if he was more chillaxed.
As he is now though,no chance.
Cipher trolled Highland into quitting?
Daemos saving us from all the Lord Noob shilling. He knew something was wrong in the balance.
I need answers to.
Well typically Sith don’t really have an afterlife. The most we’ve seen is them sort of being tied to an item. Maybe his “spirit” is tied to the wreckage of the Death Star. He’s the student of Darth Plagueis, who could cheat death. Maybe they pulled on of the Palpatine clone stories from old EU comics.
@Evil_Canadian Bro stop posting LTGs bullshit. I purposely avoid that clowns coonery. If wanted to see his nonsense I’d go to YouTube and watch one of the many recommended videos I ignore.
You can have a bad attitude and still fix your mistakes and be a better player. Chris G and T are living pictures of that. They have scrubby ass thoughts and mentalities and get super entitled about other people doing things (Chris T bringing down Mocha for putting out unasked for notes/advice on S4 Ken), but know how to fix it in gameplay at some point
I don’t mean a force ghost like say Yoda. I just mean his bad vibes being tied to that location. Like when Luke goes into that cave and fights that projection on Vader in TESB. If there was ever a place where the darkside could manifest an evil ghost, the destroyed hull of a planet destroying super weapon would be it
Also his whole Darth Plageuis the Wise thing is about cheating death. Wouldn’t surprise me to see he was successful in some form.
Probably hurt the 09er feelings by telling him that his waifu sucks.
Fuck it that trailer got me hype af on the 2nd go
If you think @HighlandFireball is an 09er you need put down the crack pipe your smoking and go straight to rehab.
Personally I feel it’s more of a problem with you if it’s that big of a deal. Pretty much no one really posts LTG shit here except for Canadian any ways (with an occasional DSP deal).
It’s not really any worse than someone posting Max in GD. The GD people hate Max just as much as you probably hate LTG, but they’re figures so they’ll get posted sometimes. Just let the one video get posted and act like the video doesn’t exist.
Yeah LTG is stupid, but getting yourself triggered over one of his videos that you can just scroll past means he’s controlling you more than he needs to.
What am i looking at here? Who is that?
You are right fam. Which is why I avoid that dude like the plague.
That’s Daisy Ridley aka Rey.