SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

You may have missed this, I can’t remember if you were around for it, but DJ’s match up advice for S2 was:

Play Ibuki.

If he was feeling chatty that day he would tell you to pick a top tier.

And also mention that Ibuki is top tier. :upside_down_face:


You say that like she isn’t there already. Those sticks didn’t break themselves.


You should still play top tiers and top tiers like Ibuki.

It’s just if that character has a problem vs Birdie or Gief or something, then counter pick with Falke. Falke is easily one of the best characters vs Birdie. With just one EX bar she has an answer for basically everything he does neutrally. Haven’t lost to a Birdie in a while.

Gief and Cammy players are at the point where they run away from me lol. I respect the Gief players that fight me though.

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I call @Bea_Iank “She-Hulk” for a reason. I’d get her a custom She-Hulk arcade stick if I thought it would survive more than a week. :wink:

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I need to grind some more ranked. I’m fairly confident I could make platinum at this point.

Not gonna have time for that for a while though due to tax season. And I’ve been playing DBFZ a lot due to the patch.


I wonder how different ranked would be if it let you counterpick for games 2 and 3? It would be closer to legit tournament practice. It’d be a neat format for sure.

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I would like that. Counter pick if you lose.

It would make running polarizing characters (eg abigail) less frustrating in ranked as you wouldn’t just auto lose some matchups.

However, I bet you get a bunch of payers whining a bout dirty “counterpickers”

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They should at least let you switch V-Trigger between games. Some characters have two useful Triggers, it’s pretty dumb you’re stuck with one of them until the end.

People here seem to think I am some sort of ogre or troglodyte. Dunno why.

Anyway, I will need to practise my Gief more. My Falke game is fairly solid, but I am having trouble laming people out with Gief.
Might focus more on him once I get to diamond. Super platinum with Pew Pew Lady will happen this week for sure.


It’d be different, but I know they don’t do it because they want to keep stats for characters. If you’re always stuck to one character in the match then you basically record for CFN a bunch of stats about a character vs every other character and get it without any interference.

KI was the same except you couldn’t drop out of a match after the first or second game. You had to pre pick your character, level them up to whatever level to get colors and look cool and stick to them.

The one thing being stuck to Falke did do is help me learn the bad matches. It got from a point where I didn’t want to fight Boxer or Bison at all to like, I can kinda fight them now. Fang is also pretty bad, but fighting against Dee Ancer, FGC Jesus, Kingry (even though he’s laggy with me) and a couple other Fangs helped me grind that matchup to the point where I can play it and win in it even if it’s bad.

That’s generally unnecessary since you can’t switch character during the set any way. You can already pick the better trigger for the matchup at the trigger select screen before the VS screen. If Guile player is fighting a Gief player he can easily just know to switch to VT1 at the VS screen and done deal he’s good to go. Switching otherwise would just be for fun, no competitive/strategic gain if you can’t switch characters.


Neither. We just assume you step up to play ranked like:

And no, I don’t consider these women either troglodytes or ogres either.


That’s why I think giving the option to switch V-Trigger would at least be nice? I don’t remember which Rashid player it was but one of them was switching around his Trigger a lot during NCR without changing the character. I also remember that it would be nice to just experiment with Chun’s Trigger II a bit but still be able to change back to Trigger 1 when I see it doesn’t work.
I really don’t think that would be an unnecessary feature at all.

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I dunno. I personally think it’s kinda strange to hop between triggers in the middle of matches. Like competitively I can’t see what you’d get out of that if there’s already going to be a better one for the match.

For kicks though, yeah wouldn’t be bad. 3rd Strike did let you switch between supers even during rematches IIRC. That makes a little more sense though since the opponent can switch characters. Can’t switch on CFN.

If you could switch V-triggers you would see a LOT more people using whatever their 2nd best trigger is.

Pretty sure character switching would just plunge the game much deeper into load time hell, which wouldn’t be a good look.


I think you could definitely make Plat. Gold is pretty much antsy players with gimmicks and you’ve dealt with a lot more gimmicks in other games so with a little patience you can probably just let them throw their points at you.

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Yup. Beating those Gold dash sweep Ryus is about letting them hang themselves. If you play Falke its easier to make them hang themselves.


You know people will laugh but learning Ibuki was the best decision i ever made. Playing top tier is fun and besides that i think she actually works well with Vega. But even forgetting tiers and matchups i like having a different style of character in my pocket.


Plus Vega can cover dealing with Gief, Abi and Birdie. He definitely beats Gief and he has the range and speed to not have to engage with the others as much as Ibuki does.

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Strangely enough, I have more trouble with the gimmicky shit in SF than my other games.

I think it’s because I can punish things harder. For example, a sloppy homing dash in DBFZ will hand me you characters head, where as in SF it’s usually just a tic of damage (excluding Kolin VSkill)

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You should definitely be getting more than a tick of damage with Kolin.

s.HP whiff punish with meter = big damage into oki into possible RIP even without trigger. Counter an obvious jump in or special move, big damage into bad times. s.LK into ex para = solid damage into free knockdown oki into bad times.

She’s a punish queen shouldn’t be having problems. That’s part of why Kolin is rough for Falke. Her stuff on block is rough for Falke to effectively punish, but if she blocks some of Falke’s buttons, s.LK ex para counter pokes, v skills/counters any of Falke’s shit in a bad spot or jumps over a button its big punish time.