SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Jesus ain’t got nuthin’ ta do wit’ it.

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The Facebook/Twitter Icon hasn’t changed. Don’t get your hopes up fam.


The light was revealed and the blight is reviled.


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No reveal in the near future would obviously be an L but I think the longer we go with nothing the bigger the chance we get an S tier content drop when the time eventually comes.

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If I was punk, I would loose on purpose. Why risking nerfs in 4.5?

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Because my character has already been dope since forever no reason to think Capcom will clap her now.

Well Momochi has already fucked over both my characters.

Also, 2 Karin in top 8 of final round? Clearly that character is to good. She’s already done.

Need to buff bison and birdie though.

I think Ibuki’s power level is fine. She isnt really close to the best top tier I’ve played against.

Akuma needs to lose life points if he is gonna invalidate that many characters. Give him that 3S health. Put his ass at 800.


Akuma is fine

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Yes agreed Ibuki is fine :slight_smile:

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Dog should’ve jumped the red fireball

Sure. Nerfs to characters that arent mine is always good.

Bring Alex down to 975

Akuma isn’t that strong.

Just don’t block, or get hit, or get cornered, or let him get VT.


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Cut 3 active frames from Akuma’s b.hp and his whiff fireball VTC and all will be fine.
PS. Buff Gief’s st mp.

Alex doesn’t have tools though.

Akuma after like 2 sets of adjustments is still better than Ryu, Ken, Sakura, and Kage. Hell Kage doesn’t have half the tools Akuma does but has lower health.

So it is what it is. I play Akuma in 3S, I know the struggle. Let the man bleed.

Yeah i think Akuma should just get a health nerf to the point where you actually pick Ryu or Ken because they are tankier. Current Akuma invalidates the health difference between him and those two as soon as they eat 2 medium normals.

Health differences only matter when the differences in values are extreme.

A lot of Akuma strength comes from trigger. I don’t really mind him

Shotos are inherently not that great in this game, so him being better than other shotos doesn’t really bother me in the context of the game. In 3S Ken is really the only shoto so it’s familiar territory