SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

How do you leave your dojo i couldn’t figure it out

On the dojo page it’s under settings>management

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Request sent.

Join us Miles

I know everyone memes how Bison is plus on everything and its never your turn but when I fight an actual good Fang I feel like I’m even more lost at what I should do


Be glad that there are few F.A.N.G players out there, as he is even more plus on block than Bison.

I feel the same way, and since so few people play the character you don’t get the chance to learn things very often.

Another side effect of so few people playing the character is, that the few who do know what they are doing .

You’re not alone feel like anytime I play him either getting zoned or cc’d to death. But I 2-0’d a Platinum fang last night the only thing that works is patiently waiting for a mistake and then go ham he doesn’t have a invincible move thank God.

I’m starting to think that Bison’s plus frames aren’t the only issue. A lot of it is also spacing and safe cancels. He always leaves you at that “you’ll get counter poked” range.

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I ain’t even gone lie after being frustrated af over a fang once I thought about learning him and scumming my way up just off of unfamiliarity :pensive:

The issue is what Vhozite mentioned. A lot of his strings and specials you can easily “space” so that its still basically our turn regardless of what your opponent does. Kind of how birdie can do Bullrush into bullrush with seeming impunity because normals don’t reach that far on the pushback.

FANG pressuring you is like 500 words of nonsense to explain. remind me to hit you up with a post about it. Tired AF from pulling weeds and doing other stuff around the house.

aight dojo request sent

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For 2019, the official motto of any SRK related entreprise I try falls under “Shilling is Living”.

Gotta promote ourselves because nobody else is gonna do it.

That’s hilariously dramatic but okay. I’m not asking anybody to quit anything they are doing, just mentioned why doing an SRK dojo wasn’t an appealing idea.

But if you aren’t part of a dojo, play regularly and would like more people to visit SRK, join the dojo and then just be friendly to people. It isnt’ the entirety of things we can do to get people here, but its one of the little things we can do as part of a larger effort.

we really need some news cause you guys have been kinda aggressive with each other lol

Not anymore than normal.

I was aggressive with my yards. These weeds getting that RTSD treatment.



SF4 dictator mirrors are awful.
SFV not looking that bad after all.

So, I just saw 801 striders matchup chart for G.

It seems… optimistic, but he would know more than me.

See below:

Hey fuck you I’ll destroy you kid

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Advantage against Guile?

Gotta hope the reasoning is better than “he will daigo and eat all the command grabs”.

I don’t get a lot of the chart to be honest. 801 does have a different approach to grapplers than other players though.

I’m more curious if anyone has any idea why some of those placements make sense.

Pink suit Zeku is not for me.
