SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

GGs @FlyingVe @Akhos

Sorry we only played a couple of sets Ve. I need to wind down before bed or I’ll never sleep. Our matches are close enough that I get too hype. Need a beer!

Feijoada. Come to Brazil and you’ll find it everywhere. Be aware that some people make it with pig ears, feet and tail, and that’s disgusting, even thought it’s how it was invented. Slaves were fed with black beans only, and since their owners only ate good pig cuts, the slaves would get any meat that would go to the trash and mix it with the beans to give some taste.



I have tried Plated, which is the superior service and with local ingredients. I have been inside the facilities where they pack up the food. It’s pretty interesting. I deliver Plated multiple days a week. I have gotten lucky many times and kept boxes that couldn’t be delivered. All the items are fresh and well protected.

It’s a subscription service with a rotating menu. You pick a day of the week to receive your order. You can choose from receiving 2 meals up to 7 meals in that single delivery. There’s a lot to choose from: organic, vegetarian, gluten-free, desert.
There’s quite a market for this. People who don’t like going to the supermarket or don’t have time to go do groceries shopping. You can try it, too, with a a 60% off code: R2MXU5G6

Frost… I think my account has been hacked!!!


I’ve had chitterlings a couple times and regularly get tripe in my pho so that’d be no problem.

I love how SRK can go from talking about Zeku’s slide, Thanos’ motives, why Sagat is ass, to food. This forum is truly versatile like no other.

Btw, Toushinsai is starting taking place right now:

Dissidia is on now, but many other games will be on later. We’ll finally get to see SFV in an actual Arcade tourney!


Ive got friends that can eat nothing but fast food and stay thin but i figured out they can do it for 2 reasons.

  1. Higher metabolism.

  2. Smaller apetite.

They’ll order one burger and nothing else or they get the whole meal and only eat 1 or 2 times per day. They get full faster. They don’t snack as much and they naturally will go long periods without eating.

Myself on the other hand i can eat whole large pizzas. Every fast food meal i order is extra large. I get snack cravings constantly. Ive eaten 30oz steaks. My stomach is a bottomless pit.

I figured out how to control it but left unchecked i can put down 5000 calories a day easy.

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Also the dude in the video is like 6’8 and weighs 400lbs+. He has to eat like that to maintain the size so he can compete. I loosely follow the strong man scene. Those guys are all animals.

1000 pound deadlifts and 300lb single arm overhead dumbell presses and shit.

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…thank god I’m not the only one who can just take a whole ass large pizza and end its life

Huh? Well that shit’s easy, that’s on the low end of food consumption.

Yeah no problem for me either with the pig parts. Haven’t eaten the tail but here we have both ears and feet pickled and I love the latter. Menudo (beef stomach on red broth) sounds somewhat similar and is also another favorite.

It’s almost 5 AM here in Italy. After eating a phat ass pizza with extra cheese, potatoes and bacon I fell asleep. My bad, I start dreaming of dragons,goblins, LeBron’s mom with mustaches (why?) and Capcom dropping hints about the next character.

Never again, fuck me.

I’ve also thought about the SRK family talking about Marvel for hours was a dream too, instead really happened.

Fuck me twice, now I’m scared to go back sleeping again.

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You’re fine. You start worrying when you’ve had nightmares non-stop for a 2 week stretch.

But only if nightmares bother you. Otherwise just :man_shrugging: the thing.

Hahahahahaaa!!! Pertho you the best <3

Not gonna front I liked Noob Saibots trailer

Shit actually had music that I could see myself listening too lmao

Some 10-15 years ago, I ate up to 9,000 calories a day before PL meets. Never again. I was sweating profusely just walking up the stairs. I could constantly feel my heart beating, had trouble sleeping, was nauseated, bloated (no shit, huh?) and all of my joints were aching. I must’ve cut my life expectancy by at least 5 years during that time.

If you want to live long, eat little and healthy, and exercise moderately.

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Also, Discount Crack aka Power Rangers Battle for the Grid will be out on the 26th for Switch and XB1. April 2nd for PS4 because fuck me and everything I believe in.

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I may pick it up. If do the PS4 version is the only one I’m not considering. PC, XB1, and Switch are crossplay. PS4 isn’t.

“Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper”

I find powerlifting interesting but seeing how some of those guys are messed up towards the end of their careers is crazy.

Had no idea a CPT event was taking place tonight.