SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

Falke’s VT2 has the amazing power of being able to make Falke -40 on a hit VTC.
It is unbelievable “great”. It whiffs from max distance from f.hp and then you die for doing VTC on hit.
Just pick VT1, shot VTC to be +17, force them to have to block low because of df HK, which is +3 ob.

@Dime It’s like Zeku VT2, even that shit need to be on hit to activate, Falke VT2 is even a 3-bar VT. To be in the position of use it probably she wouldn’t have the life lead and all you don’t want is missing a confirm into an huge punish since Falke would be wide open after the activation. Looks funny to use, but helluva risky. VT1 looks take in comparison, but even if you block her shots the grey damage is huge and she has more control on the screen anyway. VT2 improve her offense, but being 3-bar and an unsafe activation are a big no-no.

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So I can do Akuma’s instant air fireballs most of the time, but I can’t do chun li’s instant air legs, aren’t the motions the same? What gives?

do a tiger knee into down forward when you do instant air legs

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vt2 from when looked as a purely install - neutral enhancing vt it’s superior. With vt1 you do get a way in, and chip damage. And you’re right same confirm with fw hp on top of the ability to get in and vtc. But there are only two uses for it. Whereas you get ateast (5?) hphk enders with vt2. Combined with anti air damage buff, cancelable low (check walkbacks), overheads (meaties and setups when you cancel from normal), and the damage dump you get from activating it. They also reduced the recovery for that too, so it’s somewhat safe from max range fw hp.
As a 3 bar it’s one of the worst, no doubt (because of your most likely low health when you activate so you get less opportunity to open up opponent and there’s an element of urgency and also vt2 activation being suicidal). But it being 2 bars allows you to get it early and just keep dominating the neutral but with enhanced tools. It’s like a worse version of birdie’s but better than zeku and menat’s vt2. Overall solid imo.

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It’s a 2 bar VT. It got buffed to 2 bars in some patch.

As far as what others have said… it’s mostly excuses and bad info:

1.Excuses: vt2 wiffs at absolute max range… so don’t use it at absolute max range… in t mode I haven’t been able to get it to wiff at absolute max range so it’s either a hit box issue or it’s hitting outstretched limbs… neither is a huge consideration. It’s like saying Karin’s JF tenko is bad because at max range cr.mk it will also wiff.

  1. Wrong info… vt1 DOES NOT do what vt2 does.
    Vt2 is cancelable from specials, vt1 is not. Vt2 reflects fireballs, vt1 does not. Vt2 is 2 bars now and one of the few 2 bar triggers that cancels from specials in the game. Vt2 has a plus on block jump attack that is cancelable and hits overhead. Vt2 does waaay more damage from distance confirms than vt1 does. Vt1, like all v triggers, is a waste on block if you don’t get a subsequent mixup to hit. And why go for a mixup when you can go for a confirm.

Vt1 also isn’t “free” pressure. You have to spend v meter for that pressure. That’s meter that could have been used in a combo to do actual damage. That’s not “free”

I’d rather take the trigger that enhances all my pokes, both my AA’s, my range and even gives me some forms of neutral crash with cute shit like 2k xx 2vt2 which is plus on block and moves her in. Gapped and unsafe so not something one would just be doing. But something that one can get away with sometimes same as Akumas demonflip stuff can sometimes be gotten away with. Then we also have the fact that basically all her confirms become better and more damaging.

The reason why the VT was once 3 bar was because of its damage potential. Now it’s got the same potential for 2 bars and the only price to be paid is the need to confirm it from some of the games longest ranged normals.

If it were 3 bar I’d agree with people, simply because of the small amount of time you have to get those confirms… but it isn’t a 3 bar anymore.

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I always say this about VT2.

Play some good Bison Boxer Guile or Menat players and show you winning and activating it consistently in those matches. If you cant do that its because VT2 sucks


Stop debating VT2,we are getting VT3 , Vskill2 and CA2 next patch.


Clearly, we Falke mains know nothing about the secret powers of VT2, it’s amazing fireball reflecting power, that just costs 1/3rd of your bar to do, the bewildering 33f overhead that can be jabbed out on reaction and the secret ways to activate it safely every time.


What is this? Season 1!

This would be why you have 2 v triggers… for matchups. Like I use Zeku vt2 versus cammy and divekickers… because it’s good against divekickers…

Dime is wrong

More at 11


The reflect burns a 3rd of your timer even if you whiff it

There’s literally no matchup that VT2 is better in than VT1. Literally none. It’s only playstyle preference. No strategic value. The only thing VT2 is good for is seeing which matchups it’s nearly impossible to use in and come out winning (the ones I mentioned plus a few more).

Maybe there’s like a few matchups that works in for Zeku.


And then there is the awesome overhead, that not only Falke can be jabbed out of it on reaction, if you try to use it meaty and the opponent delays rise, you burnt another 1/3rd of your bar and got nothing out of it. :smiley:

Such a great trigger.

React meaty dont guess, unless you have something that covers both timings.


She has good enough oki and conversions without VT2 and VT1 does a better job adding to them basically. It’s an unnecessary trigger that gives her way less in neutral for activation for way more work.

VT2 literally gives you no real new tool to use in neutral. You’re effectively the same character until you hit someone with a button you already use which is redundant and mainly why it has no matchup its worth using in over VT1 (plus too scrambly to reliably activate in a good amount of matchups).

Only thing the overhead is good for is funky throw baits if you’re right next to them in neutral or in the corner.

And I’m done with VT2. Let’s talk about 3 Chuns in top 8


It’s a 33 frame overhead. Much like Ed’s Snatcher (35 frames), you can’t react to rise/no rise to meaty with it. You have to hit it the moment the opponent hits the ground.

Unless you have -3 frame reactions

Clearly, she needs to be nerfed!
Way too many Chuns in a top 8.

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2 really good ones in winners and the one that almost won Capcom Cup still in losers. Going to be a good one.

I already felt in S3 she finally was getting somewhere notes wise. With the extra buff to her V Skill and the nerfs of the other characters she can do well in the matchups she does well in while no longer getting absolutely blasted in her bad matches.

Her 3 frame chainable low with great range is very strong also and having fast hit V Reversal is good in the meta.

What is there to talk to about the chuns.

She was never bad in this game,just outshined by others in all seasons except the first.