SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

I’ve been watching a lot of SFIV vids recently. Binged through about 40 vids of old CPT stuff in the last 3 days.

I think I understand the nuances between IV and V a lot better now. And why some things in V just don’t feel good.


Ain’t that the damn truth, that’s kind of where I’m at now. After I dropped all those points I’ve been playing other shit. Like the shit just ain’t fun. Part of it’s me being a whiny bitch because I can think of 5 people off top who are super high rank so I can’t just blame the character.

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This one is quick and useful:


Sure no problem. Also since I was browsing the other matches

There’s no reason to do 2 shots after f+HP VTC f+HP unless it’s going to kill or stun for the kill. Killing your entire trigger on a VTC is never worth it. Falke needs those high plus VT shots she can cancel into off her ground and air staff buttons to create pressure and chip she normally can’t get.

Just go straight into low shot after the VTC f+HP. Similar damage/oki and keep 2 shots.

You also need to learn how to use j.MP. It’s the least committal button she has and can be used from the most ranges/angles. It’s basically her version of a yoga sniper. You never use it.


Welp, gotta prep one piece to conduct in front of kids and have one week to do it.

Plus side: kids have played it before and I’ve heard it a million times.

Down side: I can barely read music and dont know how to conduct.

@Edmund its gonna be lit. :100: :ok_hand:

All these fighters dropping news…except Capcom. :eyes:

Edit: Can talk shit and laugh at scrubs mid match with Shao Khan, true villain status.


Shao Khan’s old ass ain’t news. He’s been at the end of every trailer since the game’s conception. Katt Falke better news.


Finding out he can taunt mid match is the news. Instant main status. :triumph:

Haha Jesus. Why did they appoint you to be in charge of the orchestra then.

It’s like asking Cristiano Ronaldo to be goalkeeper.

What happened to that teacher who’s suppsed to be in charge. I remember you said he ran away. Lol.

I never use it and when I use it I feel like I’m pressing it randomly because I heard it’s a good button but I never figured out how to use it right. I’ve yet to get a feeling for the spacing of that move.



Just start using it and watch videos of any top Falke like Tiaflatte

If you watch that video you can see how it’s basically the longest button she has and forces frame advantage from a long range. It can also punish certain things that are tough to punish otherwise like Urien’s V Skill charge.

Basically the more you mess with it the more you’ll figure it out. Couple matchups like vs Laura that it can get risky to abuse, but it’s too good to not use.

Also I generally agree with PP being the way it is. It makes it so she has to use half a brain cell to AA correctly. PP gives you more damage/better oki on trade but you need to have the life lead to use it. Otherwise you just use c.HP which is dumb fast for the horizontal range it covers.

EX PP/super are good for when you want high damaging AA’s that’ll cover basically everything. EX PP specifically is good at getting that bit of stun you need to stun them if they’re just being that brazen.

Her AA game is the way it is for a reason. It’s also why they she doesn’t have any high angled light attacks because you would have to get a cross up if it was any better to ever jump at her. They’re not going to let a character with her AA angles fish for free empty jump AAs.

Plus she has air throw too (and j.LP/MP for air to air).


He looks fucking awesome tbh.

His combos don’t feel flashy but tbh I think it’s intended.

He is not flashy,just raw brutal strenght.They nailed his character model as well,he feel massive and all his attacks feel like they have weight to it.

Also the taunts,loving it.

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I’ll say he’s clearly more flashy than MK2/UMK3 Shao. This Shao is definitely flashy compared to that.

The taunts aren’t really noticeable for me because I just don’t care enough about the character.

The fatality makes no sense in a real world scenario, but it’s cute.

On top of being useful this post is now funny because after reading it I went online and I just won against a Karin using jMP.

Truly, DevilJin is a masterful sensei.


I am also guilty of not using j.MP very little, mostly because the style I play her requires me to hold mp almost all the time to have shot and annoy people with it.
I try to cover for it’s functionality with j.HK and j.HP.
Shot vtc being +17 ob and allowing me for a safe jump setup with ex katapult on hit is just too good for me to pass.

Cool. Yeah if it fits your style then go for it. You’ll probably get to a point where you start playing certain matchups (especially vs Sagat and Urien) where you’ll need j.MP to cover a space that you can’t otherwise and be forced to use it more. To the point where you won’t be able to afford holding down the MP button to have it accessible. If that time comes then just be prepared.

What I do is I just switch to holding LP sometimes when I want to use j.MP while still holding shot. Falke doesn’t have any standing light AAs any ways and if you let them get that close you can always just let go of charge during a hit/block stun or whiff a s.LK/c.LK to get back your LP. I use my thumb to hit s.LK to check dash ins.


I have to get used to hold lp a bit more than I do, but arthritis make it a bit annoying. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been trying to have mp free to use j.mp more because it is a really good button. j.HP covers a lot of space and controls space fairly well, but it is slow and has a rather poor hitbox, so I should replace it with j.MP in a several instances where I am using j.HP, mostly when I try to start an offence after playing lame for 60+ seconds.

Best soccer game ever.

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  1. I’m godlike.

  2. It’s also the first time I’ll conduct a group in public so…kinda terrified.

Teacher just straight out disappeared. On the 29th and 30th there are 5th graders coming in to check out the middle school so the performing groups are gonna pkay something. My varisity orchestra asked if they were going to perform for them. Didnt have the heart to tell them no.

So now I just gotta learn to read a score, conduct the group and fix any issues with their fingerings.
