SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

She kinda needs to be played yolo at times.If that’s not your style it can get rough.

I’m loving these edits :joy::joy:



Yea but it’s not accurate.They both have room on that thing.


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In my defense, after three sets of him dashing and jumping constantly and a round I won entirely because he just refused to block I was stunned enough that I decided that he was going to dash next and I would have kept pressing stHP until he dashed into that button.

Your tips are always welcome though, I overly rely on PP for anti-airs without considering that crHP has a lot of unique stuff going for it. Thanks as always :ok_hand:

Her PP not having air invinc is fucked up


:joy::joy: good one bro

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Yeah I know I just find myself not playing crazy enough with her. I’ve definitely gotten better with her. If I don’t mesh with Karin or kage I’ll go back to Laura for now.

Just tired of brute forcing my way in to end up hanging myself. Why risk it all with Laura when I can play those two and get results in a less stressful effort? Lol

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It has “head invincibility” I think, but there’s still a bunch of air normals that regularly trades with her though.

Yeah I’ve seen the hitboxes, the head invinc is useless because it has to be used at the timing an SRK would to be decent

So you either do it super early and hit at the tip of second hit, or trade on the first hit.



You’re not wrong. More practically: why do the same thing as Mika but worse? I’m not bitter.

Laura can be feast or famine as hell and her match ups don’t make her any more fun to play. She is one of those characters that is great fun when she works but it is miserable when she doesn’t. You’ve gotta be crazy enough to get in there sometimes but not so crazy you get yourself killed and you have to have that grappler mindset of being able to fight from behind and let her VT1 shore up the difference.

It can be hard to tell sometimes if it is a character issue or an approach issue. For me at least I’ve felt a ton better playing Kolin than I did with Laura. Raw character power sure does make a difference and I can’t live with Laura’s buttons in this game.

But maybe you need to shift how you’re approaching the matches and find some more stability that way. You can get really far in these ranks by cleaning up bad habits and inconsistencies, and getting a better feel for when you can go in and when you can just hang back and let the opponent over extend.

Character switching is not something to do lightly. It is really easy to end up mediocre with two+ chars instead of great with any one of them (notice how every Gold player has like 10 chars at level 50+). Nothing wrong with that necessarily, unless you’re looking for long term improvement/consistency. Plus switching sucks really hard for awhile while you tank games due to unfamiliarity/bad muscle memory (I’m still working through this).

If you want Laura match reviews or anything I’d be happy to look at some replays.

Also Skort makes the most compelling cases for playing Laura. :zap::melon::melon::zap:


Either go ham with Laura or switch to Mika. Mika has much better buttons and oki to play more patiently. She has enough tools where go ham isn’t your only option. And what’s a bad matchup when you got muscle power? Everybody fears Mika if she ain’t dead, sitting on a stick of meter with trigger to pop.

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I just realized that her st.HP (which I always hated) is very similar to Katt’s standard attack in BoFII. I hate that button’s animation a lot less now.

Also I wonder if the costume will have a code. There was a bunch of very cool looking alternate fusion designs in BoF out of which this one was arguably Katt’s best one:

Seems like a lot of work just for the code version but Cammy got two-in-one with her Fiona costume as well so here’s hoping.


It’ll probably be just another hairstyle though.

Jokes aside I just think a player should stick to the character he likes.I see no point in ranking using someone who you don’t want to main.

I personally get more satisfaction ranking up with Juri then I ever did as Cammy.

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I dunno, this game can make you feel like shit when playing a low-tier. Early S3 Sakura made me drop it for half a year.

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All valid points, I’ll figure it out eventually. I envy everybody who can pick up characters really fast or play damn near the whole cast.

@Eskills you’re probably on to something maybe I’ll put some time in with Mika. She’s like Laura but you know… Good.

I’m tyring to pick up Kolin. Are there any good resources/guides for learning her?

I just went to the Kolin discord Tech and Resources section and it’s just a whole bunch of people talking. I feel these sections should just be filled with links to guides without all the chatter.

Absolutely agree. Enjoying the character is what matters most. :slight_smile:

Where it can get funky is when you like the character, but may not actually like how they play. SFV has a lot of this, especially since the ladies are…lovingly rendered.

I feel like the hard thing to do there is have the come-to-Jesus moment with yourself and figure out if you legit like the char and need to re-evaluate other things, or if the playstyle isn’t the right fit and they need to be admired from afar.

I love Mika and Laura. In theory. But I sort of hate playing both of them because they aren’t my style (was trying something new, which was a valuable experience) and even if they were my style I don’t like how that style feels in this game. Hell I even side-eyed Juri really hard for a minute but after trying her for a bit I felt that same feeling of fighting my character and their character.

I think if the character legit “clicks” for you, rock it out. Plenty of people putting up body counts with everyone on the character select screen online, which should be fine for most of us (CPT ambitions paint everything in a different light IMO). What I’ve found difficult in this game is discerning legitimate character affinity from “well this character is fun to play sometimes and I like some of their costumes I guess”, but that may just be me.

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