SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

DJ would be the Lori Laughlin of Falke University.


I’m pretty sure there’s a discord called falke university.

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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap, think I’ll log in to try out FurFalke once a modder slaps it in the game.


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No news this season is getting people angsty. Got ragequited on more times in march and april than the entirety of S3.
Things got so bad i sent a explicit message to one player that got deleted by Sony admins.
My last rquit was a bison player that whopped me in the neutral but I 2 0’d him with 50 50s off wakeup. I didn’t even get mad afterwards.

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That’s messed up fam. Mika buys Gief a new weight set for his birthday and you attempt to mock his joyous reaction. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I haven’t been playing much lately but the little bit I have played I decided to try somebody new. I used FM to buy kage and practiced Karin a little bit.

Any tips for getting karins fast tenko consistently? Is it just something I need to get into muscle memory?

Kage seems like his shenanigans could be fun.
Not sure how effective it’ll be but we’ll see.

pure muscle memory for JFT. different normal cancels have different timings and none of them makes sense, because they are all to be done slower than you’d expect


Kage is Kage but coming from Laura its a big upgrade in movement speed and you are already used to little arms so that won’t bother you as much as someone coming from another char. You’re already used to having to get in that ass.

For Karin it is all reps. No real secret to it and the actual mechanical process of doing her stuff isn’t terribly hard (getting JFT in my very low level experience is getting used to the rhythm of how you have to hit the buttons for the cancel). The actual hard part I think is building enough muscle memory to do it all in the clutch.

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Okay knowing the timing is different depending on the normal I cancel into helps alot. I won’t be able to to play for a few days but when I get back in I’ll start trying again. Whichever I go with both are a step up from Laura lol.

Even tho kage has some stubby buttons he’d probably be easier to pick up it feels like. Karin on the other I’m going to have to really get better at confirming or else I’ll be dropping shit getting myself murdered.

It’s really hard to explain fast Tenko. I try to be more mindful of moving my finger quickly. This was something I was terrible with at first, but now I can do it almost every time. It takes practice.

Kage would definitely be the easier of the two to pick up initially. Just get in there like the angry karate goblin you are and loop stomps until someone figures out how to interrupt. :upside_down_face:

Also you’d be amazed at what you can get away with online, regarding getting bad confirms. I’ve had a surprising number of people not punish EX or even HP Para. Some people out there just don’t know the punishes.

Not saying that is anything to rely on but it helps when you’re working on a new char and inevitably fuck something up.

Why don’t you just stick to Laura ?

She is pretty fun and looks good.

Good combo.

Just frame tenko is straight muscle memory depending on which button you’re canceling from. Gotta grind that shit out.

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Because I’ve hit a wall with her. It’s a combination of her bad buttons and my bad decisions lol. I’m not sure what it is I just have been getting my shit pushed in by everybody. And it doesn’t help that I haven’t been playing that much. So I figured maybe messing around with some new characters would by giving me something fresh.

She looks great!


Felicia Menat already achieved that :slight_smile:

Her character model needs some work but cool looking visual effects.

I can see the Naruto reference on her sword. The form looks like Zabuza sword, but it works like Kisame Samehada. I like it.