SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

Look at it and despair.The next DLC is another shoto.Ken’s son


Cammy walk speed with a fireball. Yes please. DPs won’t be invincible until S6, when he turns 18.

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Rushdown Sim is best Sim.

They are invincible but can’t be crush countered since he is just a kid, need to treat him with care.

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Kid Ken, will be like Kid Kazuya.
Can’t block, does 1/4 of the damage of the big one and takes 1.5x the damage he would usualy take.
He also gets thrown off a cliff if he loses.

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I mean if someone was really expecting Capcom do deliver anything that isn’t a huge disappointment I duno what else to say.
(Even though the Falke Skin is freaking great and deserve a point)

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I legit want that goofy twin stick monstrosity. There’s something hilariously 90s about it.



You could say…I love Capcom? Also, isn’t the weather lovely.

Another look at Katt Falke:


Depending on the alternate colours it will have, I will use it for a bit.
It is a nice costume.

Katt Falke is perfection.


Coming back to SFV ranked after a while is brutal, it doesn’t help that Ultra Diamond Ryus in Europe play with a mix of jump, dash medium punch and raw Super in the neutral.

At least I got Katt Falke I guess.


Dude’s responsible for one of the only anime I like. Respect. Gonna miss him.

That raw super he did was actually really good. It was a whiff punish on your s.HP because you whiffed s.HP in his face 4 times in a row. You can’t whiff s.HP 4 x in a row vs anyone decent at the game or RIP. It’s also a free jump in combo or frame trap into throw which is easier to do.

Against any shoto that isn’t Akuma you’ll want to use c.HP more for AA

Ryu players especially are purposely going to do low frame advantage early jump ins just in hopes of catching you sleeping and getting a hit or a block. That type of jump in loses to c.HP free. c.HP is much better vs most of the other shotos. It’s faster and they improved the hit box.

You COULD HAVE gotten PP to work there since you crouched, but you would have had to have let the PP come out earlier to tag him up in the air. At the timing you threw it out you’re going to take the trade and start losing the life lead. PP is better when you have like a 30 or 40 percent life lead to afford the trade (and technically gives you a better knockdown/frame advantage even on trade)

The only issue with c.HP is that it doesn’t give you a whole lot of frame advantage when it hits so they can easily just jump forward at you again. Just remember to be ready for that and c.HP or PP them again depending on what you’re feeling. Continue to do that until you have a big enough life lead that they’ll have to dash in or do something else that isn’t a jump to get in.

Also remember to use V Skill to absorb and build V Gauge on the fireballs now that they fixed that. There’s other Ryus you’ll fight that will know how to use fireball patterns that beat low shot so you’re going to need that.

In general you have to keep the life lead vs Ryu. That’s what keeps him from going YOLO safely. Once you lose the life lead vs Ryu he’s free to go YOLO and it’s hard for Falke to randomly land hits on Ryu to get it back.


Damn called my man out!

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I have noticed that very few of my victories are being by time over. There is usually sub 20 seconds left on the clock.
I need to step my game and bore my opponents even further with Falke, even if this mean they won’t give me a run back out of boredom.

I will focus on that on my ranked run tonight. I have a goal of winning at least 4 rounds by time over.


I always feel pretty good about any round that ends with red timer numbers.

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If there was ever a professor for Falke University, it’d be DJ.