SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

I don’t know if they’re paying Emezie, but if they’re not then they should.


@akhos thanks again for hooking me up at Combo Breaker. Cool that you could roll me through last minute like that. Glad that you can finally frame trap and throw people now and drop less combos lol. Didn’t get to drink much that weekend so I basically caught some beers and wine yesterday for the holiday. Sagod is super cool I’ll have to play him again.

I’ll hit you up in a bit.


Hey, don’t tell him he played well!
You know that makes him salty as hell!


I wanted him to win at least one more match, since he would have played Emezie next


@Akhos always adapts really well. The longer a set goes, the better he gets.


In MK11 is there a way to make the dummy fail a throw tech in training mode?

Set them to Reversal throw, them frame trap then with the wrong throw (so the break fails).

This is not a great method though.

Based on this question, you learning jacqui?

Naw i was just curious about Jade’s throw KB

They all do 310, and I think have the same frames as a normal throw.

The jade play at combo breaker was interesting. I hadn’t really seen the “hyper lame” approach I saw at the event yet.

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Ah yes, it’s that character I have totally heard about.

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Random costumes about the larger different IPs is basically Capcom’s wink and a nod to its customer.

You know how long people have been waiting for the Big C to acknowledge breath of fire in some way?

Cant please everybody with every costume but you can try and reach different groups with the entirety of costumes. Looks dope as hell too.


'Cause I don’t like it when people lie about me


Akhos is like a tsundere anime girl, you’ll compliment him and he’ll blush and call you names



Why go though all that trouble for a joke?

They banned his controller. That’s rigging if I’ve ever seen it.

Bloody thing had THREE jump buttons! THREE!
He deserved to have it banned. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey, if you’re going to cheat, fucking go for it.

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That video inspired me to switch to Akuma.


Where’s the hitbox defense force at? Because Daigo said the same shit Ve and I’ve been saying on top of doing some ridiculous shit just because.


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Hey found someone who can make me a costume design for the Fightpad thats collecting dust… maybe now I can fix the stuck button.