SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

Really short version, its really similar to SF4 Ultra’s in practice with one big exception. Because you can only connect with it once, you can’t win solely on the back of the Fatal blow.

Also, they aren’t armored until about frame 3, so they aren’t pure reversals. So you can meaty them just fine.

Jax’s Fatal blow is all kinds of dumb though.

Oh I have a lot of reasons.

People like you just tik me off.

Cause look Mama NRS does something Capcom should make, NRS is sooooo special for this!

Expect they don’t make anything special.
ASW is mostly made out of Ex Capcom employees who worked in the FG division.
Probably every good person that any sort of talent is there, since Capcom can only produce garbage since a decade.

Doesn’t help that you narrow looking cretains only see what Capcom and NRS does, since there don’t exist any other games.

SF fanbase has been alienating every other FG hard and literally were the ones who scared me from ASW for years.
Now that I play the games I have to say that I hate everyone who can’t look outside their comfort zone and praise mediocre products and low effort as great work.

Or maybe he just doesn’t care for anime stuff that much :man_shrugging:

NRS is the most prominent so it’s the example most people will recognize. Sorry if this offends you~


Literally nothing about her look says any of that though.

i feel like throwing some fireballs

I want to update something I said the other day.

REO no longer has Shao Kahn in top tier, he now has him in bottom like everyone else… so that was short lived.

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Cipher triggered cause nobody cares bout weeb airdashers. :joy:


Rumor has it Capcom is working on MCU vs Marvel


I gave NRS as an example because they are the ones i know off that do these kind of stuff.I did not say others don’t do these cool intros or the fact that NRS does the best.

As for alienating other fighting games, well not true at least in my opinion. I happen to like Killer Instinct a lot and KOF was quite good as well.Also interested in picking up Samsho once it’s out for PC.

Provide some good info of why i should try BB or similar games and maybe it’s fanbase will expand.I am not saying it’s a bad game,but the way combos perform and what it looks on screen can be overwhelming for people who are used to more slower paced games.

Relax a bit maybe.

Hey we managed to kill Melee at EVO show a little respect!

Narrow minded cretin!


If you don’t know the lore or story behind the costume you could say that bout anything. You’d think Sakura might be pop idol in SFV, but she works at a fucking arcade. :man_shrugging:t4:

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Frost is literally the Dan of Mortal Kombat.

Melee been played for how long now? It was a dead rotting carcass. They finally got tired of the smell.


BB been shit since CT. :joy:

It can have all the waifus, game still ass. GG gets a pass, but fuck if I got time to learn all the subsystems. Says a lot when I got time to learn Tekken and GG gives me a pause.

This is a huge falsehood. Like, it demonstrates a scary lack of knowledge, and you should stop saying it.

Nah sticking to my guns.

You do you.

SF3:NG is the best street fighter clearly. Added too many waifu’s in later games. 3S might be okay, but I don’t have time to learn more than one parry.

I love things like this.