SFV Lounge: Menat BUFFED, F2P SFV coming, CCCC COMBO BREAKERS coming

Don’t be.

Hope your friend can find an alternative stick somehow.

Photoshopped. Sun Tzu would have no qualms playing SA2 Yang in 3S if he wanted divekicks, but couldn’t do Genei Jin combos.

Sometimes there are characters that aren’t top tier per se, but still give you personally better winning chances than the actual top tiers. Maybe the top tiers require heavy execution of a type you’re bad at, or take advantage of a certain gimmick, or require heavy patience to utilize well when you yourself is impatient, or require risk-taking when you’re risk averse, etc. It makes no sense to pick those character because of their tier placement, because you’re unlikely to be able to utilize the strength of those characters well. If there’s another solid pick that complements your actual playstyle well, that’s usually a better choice in this regard.

The reason people give Sanford shit about his pick top tier thing is that he tells people to pick top tier, but won’t take his own advice. You’re definitely going to get shit for that and the only real cover he has would be some shit like “well I meant for other people, top tiers don’t fit me/the ones that are top tier I don’t like” blah blah

Top 8 Capcom Cup was all older men with sticks. Sticks and old men still rule SF. Old men don’t say they can’t pro bass fish anymore, you can still put your mind in gear and hit some buttons. The other old men can do it, but Sanford is just too old or something.

The top 5 placers also didn’t play a character lower tier than Abigail. Everything else was top 5 to 7 ish characters. The last 2 or 3 people in top 8 had some Zeku and stuff going on, but obviously did not win the event.


Got to buy some new barbell weights today so I can start my road to platinum tonight.
New goal, heavier weights for my curls, my squats, my deadlifts, my military presses during the ranked sessions!


Seems like a strange time to quit too since the character just got better and the TT got slightly worse.

He’s mad he got manhandled by yipes In mvc2. Butnyipes still plays mvc2 and it’s pretty obvious that if Sanford does, he doesn’t nearly as much as he used to. So he thinks he sucks when in all actuality it’s rust. Maybe he’s aware and just doesn’t want to put in the time.

It’s one thing for a wippersnapper that hasn’t spent thousands of hours in T mode for dozens of games to want to go hard in the paint, it’s another for us old men that been there done that and did it some more.

Man there’s some crazys in Europe lol

Played this Alex player, rotated all the special moves , 27000 LP. I’m loving this shit.

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Sanford’s rant from like 10 years ago was still obviously coming from a place of frustration. Deep down he probably did not really want to go straight top tier if it’s not his first choice (he was playing SF4 vanilla Ken at the time), but he knows by doing that would make the risk/reward and potential to lose to something he considered bullshit be heavily stacked against him. That’s never good if you want to win the most.

It wasn’t exactly enthusiastic advice (“This character has ALL the good tools, you should totally play him/her :smile:”), it was a reaction to dealing with something he thought was stupid (“This character is dumb/unfair AF, so your best chance to beat them is to use their own BS against them or more BS”). Both tell you to pick something better, but they come from completely different mental states and that affects gameplay as well. The former attitude is more like how Justin and Ricki talk when they talk about picking up characters.

Judging from the type of characters/teams he gravitates towards and the games he’s ranted on, he seems like he is primarily a control-type of player (like myself) and when things start getting out of control… it tilts him way more easily than it would other types of players. Games like this one and Marvel 3 have mechanics that make it a lot harder to maintain control and can get volatile way more often (in SFV it’s more anti-projectile tools, shorter ranged buttons overall, variable knock down times with not a lot of time to make a decision afterward, and robbery v-triggers. In Marvel 3 it was mostly stupid x-factor and certain characters that capitalized on that mechanic the most). He’s always been a super solid player… but that might be to a fault if it’s not being promoted/rewarded as much in SFV and you gotta weather the storm at least once in about 90% of your matches.

IDK how he feels about charge characters (don’t think I’ve seen him play one), but imo S2/S3 Guile was the closest to almost always being able to play a controlled game in SFV while being top tier. Akuma was probably the closest for the shoto style. I know he tried to play him for a while, but don’t know why he dropped him/wasn’t feeling him.

Had that issue too. Shit is infuriating.
You’ll need to manually open the DirectInput 2P settings in the menu. Thing is on Settings if I recall it correctly.

I think what you actually want to say, is that you should rather pick a char who suits your playstyle more, than a character that is just good.


Whats really happening is he’s in those adult years where you realise time is short. Can’t casually grind like you did when you didn’t have a job or as much other shit to worry about. When i was in my late teens or early 20s i could go to work and do whatever else and still play games for 8 hours a night. Have to really focus your time if you want to keep up now tho. Makes you feel like quitting but really thats just trying to take the easy way out.


If you’re middle aged and still relying on fight money , you fucked up. Sounds more like a pride thing from Sanford though.

4.5 patch he will be back giving out twitter thoughts I’m sure.

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I try to turn this game on once every week for FM missions…

They way this game tilts you sometimes is not healthy. Atleast for me it’s good to take a couple of days off from playing (especially ranked).


Not even worth it anymore. Weekly FM got gutted harder than Ryu in S2.

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He already tried Akuma, he just doesn’t accept the fact he don’t like playing SFV. Sanford didn’t lost his edge/skill, but the latter isn’t important in SFV like in previous games. In SFV you have to be good at decision-making first than be good at Sako combos, that’s why he feels out of place. No OS, no supreme tech or whatever, SFV as a game is focused on other things and Capcom was honest to said that since day one. Accept or go home, but probably the live for competition will take him back as always, don’t worry about that.

Outside being swag, Zeku was/is in the honest column of the tier list, against the TT your skill isn’t enough to keep him going solo in CPT level tournaments. He’s in a better situation now in S4, but the OZ buffs aren’t exactly what the character needed to compete regularly against the top tiers imo. Controlling 2 characters at the same time it’s stressful in the long run, especially if these two have issues.


It’s like an RPG breh I collect them shits for fun… I never really use FM except for the odd costume color.

I had like 4k hours in SF4 and about 700 in SFV. If you don’t have passion for the game, you just aren’t going to be motivated enough to hit it hard.

Yyyeeees, I believe that’s exactly what I wrote two posts in a row now?

Yeah but that says more about you than SF5.
