SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

If we aren’t basing our opinions of characters from majors what are we basing them on?

Collective experience.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that everybody thinks Rashid and ibuki are shit bags. Or are Rashid and ibuki, through thousands of player experiences…maybe just shit bags.


Urien is a top tier carry character for sure, and i am sure that anyone who ever seen what Diamond or higher players play like have seen a Urien that doesn’t have single fucking clue what they are doing all the time. Random tackles and headbutts and zero neutral, yet they got where they are just because they know one or two Aegis setups.

Aegis carries hardcore.


You can’t quantify something like that and call it reliable. Look no further than the “collective experience” of Eventhubs for reference.

Expertise is also not a democracy. I’d sooner take the opinion of one confirmed expert than the nebulous and fickle opinions of the masses.


He doesn’t mean the collective expertise of “everyone”, he means the collective expertise of sufficiently knowledgeable players. If you just look at one expert you get weirdness, pretty well every expert tier list has one or two things that no one else buys.

For a recent example, see birdie.

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And yet, the stages are also giagantic. It’s not my favorite combo…

But hey, it’s another thing carried straight over from SF4.

haha I haven’t been rick rolled in a while

fk u


The wisdom of the crowd. They are often scarily accurate. You will always get outliers, but generally most logical people can come to the same or similar conclusions.

I think Eventhubs is not a good example. The site is designed to attract the sort of bottom dweller that’s looking to back up their own whacky ideas, then you just get a mass of whacky ass people with a few sane voices sprinkled in between.

I mean, all the sensible people have concluded that Event hubs is a bit whack!


“They’ve never made a top 8!”

“Tokido/Daigo/Fuudo/Punk don’t play them.”

Considering the stability of CPT placements in top 8 between a group of say around 8-18 players, saying a character is bad because of no placements is fucking stupid. Chun didn’t place highly for a majority of S1 before absolutely exploding. Ken was the best placer for the first few months and I’d have a hard time putting him in top 5 for S1 now.



I made another thingy

Dunno if you guys posted the CPT info stuff in the previous thread but whatevs, go read it. 1.5 months until the season begins!

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So at what number do we start accepting tourney results as important? Top 16, 32?

Depending on the tournament’s scale. Top-16 at majors is certainly an accomplishment

I never said don’t consider tournament results, they matter.

But relegating X character because they don’t show up - is dumbdumb.


What frost said. It’s just one data point. A character not showing up can matter too but you have to evaluate why? Is the character missing to 8 because the tools aren’t working? Or is a lack of good pilots?

My go-to example is Wesker in UMvC3. For the first year of that game a ton of people consistently argued that he was top because he placed well, while many argued that his tools weren’t good enough to be top tier. Most were arguing for Viper or Zero or Magneto as top (Morrigan/Doom hadn’t really been figured out yet). It took a while for those character to start showing up, but now they are all very common and poor wesker is no where to be seen.

Hehehehehehe I’m that boi now


I was looking at that lol how long has that been there?


Ima need it changing to dat boi to be grammatically correct

The Wesker stuff reminds me of Goku Black.


Yes actually.

But an important thing in both cases, both wesker and Black are still really good!

Black is still high tier for my money, he has big normals, and a top tier assist, his gimmicks have just been figured out, and with double super nerfed he looks a little better next to SJ Goku. Though SJ Goku still has the better super by a country mile.

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His lvl3 oki also got nerfed in the latest update. Not that it was spectacular prior, but it went from being ok to lolnope.

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