SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

That may be because most of the characters you named are different from the normal mold.

Learning to play Ryu means you are also learning the basics to a competent Ken, Sakura, and Akuma. Sagat and Kage as well, though you might have to unlearn slightly more for those transitions. Further, Ryu is the “fundamentals” character. Some of your experience with Ryu will translate to one degree or another to a fair amount of the rest of the roster.

F.A.N.G is an intentionally oddball character. He has relatively weird moves and behaviors. His moves hit twice, he has a poison mechanic, his fireballs have a weird arc, … A lot of what you learn with F.A.N.G isn’t going to translate to the rest of the roster.

Dhalsim is an oddball character, though not to the degree of F.A.N.G. His limbs stretch across the screen, but are also vulnerable. He also has weird arc fireballs. He has a damage-over-time move in the form of putting fire on the ground. He feels slow, but has a teleport. A lot of what you learn with Dhalsim isn’t going to translate to the rest of the roster, except maybe to F.A.N.G.

Falke’s not really weird in and of herself, but her control scheme is. Some of what you learn is going to translate, but a fair amount isn’t going to. Bison is a charge character with advantageous buttons, some of what you learn will carry over, but you’ll have to relearn a fair amount as well when facing opponents.

F.A.N.G and Dhalsim have an added boost in that people tend to have little experience in facing them. That isn’t really the character carrying you, though.

Another factor is that you may just be better suited to some non-standard style. Someone who isn’t suited for F.A.N.G isn’t likely to stick with F.A.N.G in the first place. But that can mean that player will struggle if they switch to a more “normal” character, the same others just can’t get great results from playing F.A.N.G.


Thought it was just me. Guess not.

If you swap Bison and G around on luffys chart, it’s pretty much just - the tier list.

I think we need EVO Japan ASAP.


Yeah true

But they still gettin carried though :rock:

MTG Vintage is a terrible format. Legacy is fine but honestly it’s not even as hectic as people like to give it credit for, even with potential FTKs lurking. Even it has its own balance and rhythm. On top of that, barely anyone plays either format for obvious reasons and with Wizards slowly phasing out MTGO, they will be dead formats within the next two years (a shame, but Wizards wants that E-sports money).

Yugioh, for better or worse, is where you just simply don’t give a fuck and do what you want. High Tier, Low Tier, doesn’t fucking matter. As long as your deck is built competently, and not just with whatever cool anime cards exist, you can still fuck up someone’s day. The last couple of months are even a perfect example. Two of the last YCS winners? Fucking Prank-kids and my current deck, Lunalights. No one gave those decks any thought and then they waxed everyone’s ass like they were rolling into EVO with Team Big Body.

Where Konami fucked up before was thinking there needed to be balance in the game. It led to really boring formats, or formats with a Tier 0 because they missed something. It was just plaing worse than every other TCG in existence. Now? Shit, it may still be worse but at least it has a legitimate identity. Go buck wild and only smack down FTKs that show up. Now if you want to play a game with actual balance and pacing? MTG exists, Pokemon exists, DB Super exists, shit Final Fantasy TCG exists…if you’re in Europe at least. But no matter how much people will beat the drum about how absolutely shitty Yugioh is…people keep coming back to it because they see something neat they can do.

It honestly never fails. “Fuck Yugioh, that game is absolute ass, I’m playing MTG the REAL TCG. Anyone worth a damn would be as well.” Same person, “Well, I’m getting back into Yugioh, this archetype is cool. Game still sucks, but I’m gonna have fun with this.” Playing what you may think is an ass game is oddly liberating, because you just go in without giving zero fucks.

yea pretty much

I know you guys are aware that the recent SF anniversary collection was successful.

So here’s the questions:

  1. What features do you think that can be included in a future SF anniversary to improve it?

  2. What features do you find missing in the recent compilation but included from previous remastered versions and anniversary compilation that should return for the next SF anniversary?

I agree that Bison can carry players at lower levels and online especially. But that tier list is likely based on tournament level of play, and Bison won’t carry you there. This is why the Bison community fangirls hard for Problem, because what he can do more times than not is next level and a demonstration of skill.

So few Bisons make it to the upper echelons because most of the gimmicks that win you games online and make people salty just won’t be as reliable. It’s what separates the scrub killers from the Masters.


Bison can carry at tournament level lmao


I’d kindly ask Capcom to stop revamping old games and focus on making a solid future entry because it’s apparent they can’t do it perfectly.


Not a revamp thing, but more into features like options better for online, additional mode, multiplayer, training and other menu stuff.

I feel like whatever you add the playerbase who grind those games will still probably use FightCade or play offline on cabs, or something other than the anniversary collection. I think the placebo effect of wanting authenticity in the nostalgic factor for some of the vets is something that can’t be replicated in the collections, which is why there tends to be a lot of bad press around them come release. It’s very hard to make it equal to the originals, even if you throw on every bell and whistle.

Good online, training mode is all you really need to offer. I doubt anybody wants additional content not present in the originals outside of that.


Why do you hate everything good and fun in this world :frowning:

I like good things just yugimon is not a very good thing.

mtg is p cool. I haven’t played in a while but I still got 2 edh decks.

The monkey is an NRS lover and you ask him this? :smirk:

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exactly, he knows his statement is false from the beginning since my love of quality is well known

This will be a great back of the box quote for Super SFV: AE

Just saw this in Akuma discord - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM0L-f_peJyNxhUqjx5_D-BPhZyaAMo-eopEtj_V54_vW3fNk7v1j8WuVWStPnBNQ/photo/AF1QipPdLgczbD2kLmRJcFRvowmvoEF8xoiC3_B01rxW?key=Tk1SQUVNaUt6djl6bUR6WUY2c09hM29nV3I4QVp3
Corner carry in this game…

Every time there’s a “you don’t see this” or a “she’s never won” the problem is that you’re squeezing an entire community into two or three spots in a tourney.

It’s basically like saying Frosty isn’t very lucky because we’ve never seen him win the lottery.

Facts are it’s incredibly hard to get to the top 8 of a major. Like insanely hard. So if you’re squeezing your entire opinion of something onto a marginal sub group of extremely talented individuals, youre not getting a realistic picture of the game.