SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

My rough understanding is that there are hurtboxes and throwable boxes around the character. Hurtboxes expanded and contract with attacks but the throwable boxes usually don’t expand nearly as much during attacks.

So whereas you can punch or kick an extended limb you can’t just grab their arm and throw them because the throwable box probably hasn’t extended that far (in my experience it tends to stay around the core of the body).

Someone with more knowledge of the boxes can give a better answer. Shine the Felicia symbol into the sky and summon Akhos!


That’s pretty much it nutshell. Just a different set of invisible boxes that don’t tend to move away from the trunk of the body very much.

As a concept, SF games tend to handle the idea of “grabbing limbs” with counter moves, like Kolin’s specials or Gief’s leg corkscrew.

Or some special cases like Gief’s ex air spd that has a strike hitbox instead of a throw one.
That is what allows him to grab Sim from the other side of the screen on the air.


Alex is so fun to use even if he seems kind of mediocre. EX Hyper bomb, VT1 parries, c.hp (when it works) into EX Knee. Then CA YOU CAN’T ESCAPE. Shits hype


He has some real circus acrobat combos too, which you wouldn’t expect.

Stuff like c.hp(2 hits), VTC, jump forward, eagle dive, ex knee.

I’m thinking of picking Alex back up. He’s gotten some good buffs and ex knee is a major buff, plus now that cr.hp is better plus the lag in the game being lower, it will now be easier to use his cr.hp as an all day AA like uriens cr.hp.

And besides I use Urien already and Alex is uriens little bro :wink:

Honestly, c.hp still trades more than it should. S.hp AA hitbox buff was pretty good though, even if it doesn’t have any juggle potential.

*Dimes note pad

Crosses off character 17


I literally cross off characters I haven’t even bothered to T mode.

Like, just do the theory fight with the characters moveset and I’m like… naw, next one.

But Alex was one of my better characters for time invested in s1, very easy to use.

-Lose while wearing Ryu’s Jin Saotome outfit
-Hold code to take clothes off to show him shit is about to get real REAL
-Get your ass beat worse than before while being naked



The main thing fucking me up with Alex is that every other character I play has an air throw so i keep trying to do it bc muscle memory and i get fucked.

I swear I’d main Alex if he didn’t look like shit. Everyone says his nostalgia costume fixes that, so maybe I’ll give it go.

May not be worth it if he gets bodied by other grapplers.

Why cant Gief do Lariat VTC air ex spd?

Alex vs the big body grapplers is a LOT of fun. You’re a zoner against Gief, half of an unga crazy parry/armor/command throw fest against Abigail, and always scouting each other’s diving throws with Birdie.


Not sure for VT1, but VT2…that would be a lot of damage.

Umm can we not suggest fucked up shit like that? Holy crap that sounds like cancer, lmao.

I swear, for every Guile that stopped playing this game a Bison player has been born.

The fuck is going on with ranked ?


low gief scaling on shit like air headbutt > headbutt > microwalk st.lk xx lariat xx VTC > air EX SPD is why he doesn’t have it

Bandwagon Bisons are the worst. It’s why I always preferred a Mid-upper mid tiered Bison, even though I know in my black heart of hearts that Bison deserves to be top tier. Forever.

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If this version of Alex were in season 1 he’d probably be considered top tier or even high tier if it weren’t for some derpy vtriggers in s1 like rog,urien, guile. Matter of fact the whole tier list would’ve been shuffled if some vtriggers weren’t created lol