SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I’d rather fight the Bison matchup 100 times over then a random vt2 Blanka. Its so hard to control the neutral as Sagat fighting this cunt of a character.

Lmao I’m not surprised. I don’t really care bout Dictator anymore atm anyway. I’m out here getting bodied by grapplers and whatever the fuck Abigail is, smh.

I made the only tier list that matters tbh.


That shit is accurate.

take the throw from Bison
get thrown for 300 damage due to all the grey health he builded

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Two weeks late but I’m finally having my SRK pizza.

Strangely Bison doesn’t annoy me anymore. I think the buffs to Falke are pretty much exactly what she needed to not hate the matchup anymore. Still in his favor, but worth trying to win in now. I can win sets vs most Bisons now. It’s only like ultimate grand master stuff that’s going to wreck me anymore.

Once I learned to PP Blanka balls he’s not really that bad either. The buff to Falke’s PP hit box makes it much easier to stuff them consistently.


Every time I defeat a Brazilian Ken, I feel like I hit the Lottery.


What the heck?
Gief won’t dash at you? When? I am fucking double dashing and lp SPDing you!

Brazilian Kens are laggy, random and impossible even if you live in Brazil.
The fucking meme is too fucking real.

Fuudo looks like he got sent to the principal’s office. :sweat_smile:

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Haha Tokido " I use Akuma/Gouki a lot so if he were to be banned…I’d be in deep trouble"


I played a bit trying to adjust my faults at this game, but be patient online against these fools makes me fell asleep, no kidding. People looks or too scared to literally do something or too anxious to press buttons without logic. I can’t really feel myself sitting there and wait, I don’t really hit training mode just to wait niggas making a move. Besides that I’ve played against a Guile player who teabagged me months ago after playing a laggy match where he flash kicked everything. After losing the first match I’ve decided to destroying him despite his laggy antics, but before delivering the dagger he ragequitted. Hope his pad/stick exploded chopping off his hands.

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It’s 16 recovery I think, you’re probably not reacting quick enough with the dp. I do it regularly although Sak does have a low hitting jump in.

Sagats whiff move DP in this is extremely powerful and it’s one thing I think the reason I’m a bit better than some other Sagats ( humbly).

I bet my ass if you were to bot a Sagat he’d be one of the most broken bots. If you could AA everything with Gat he’d be TT and that’s including cross cuts.

I think it’s one of the sole reasons Bonchan is the best Sagat, his DP rate is up about 90% , it’s crazy.

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Just consider it training in case you run into Eita in tournament :wink:


He should have kept practicing Ryu.

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I think I saw Momochi playing Ken online the other day… I have no idea why but maybe it’s all psychological haha

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The only person I’d put up there with Bonchan in terms of nailing DP’s is Machabo. Not sure if it’s because of all the fast paced anime he plays but he doesn’t allow you to jump on him.



Can you give me that write up of Cody’s V2 weaknesses. I’m trying to debate with someone that’s a bit stupid.