SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Can he mix that up with stuff that WILL get you smacked in the face if you try to jump or backdash?

If he’s pressing buttons to catch your backdash then those would be instances where you could contest and take your turn back.

Most bison eat the neutral jump from my experience if you don’t abuse it too much. Otherwise they’ll go for air to air.

The theory behind all of Bison’s pressure is, eat my real frame trap, which is safe on block and will knock you down into oki for me. Or eat the 19~f df.hp and let me reset my pressure.

I mean theoretically you can jump out of this, or jab/mid him. But you’re guessing. So at that point it’s a mix-up which is pretty heavy in favour of Bison, because his reward for you fucking up is hella good for both outcomes.


If you’re a Bison player you probably know exactly where the gaps are to try and fish back at his strings, but if you’re everyone else just pick a good spot and V Reversal, tech throw or EX DP out. Too ambiguous to bother with if you don’t play the character or play against a top main of the character all the time.

Lately I run into more bisons than guiles. Been getting hella matchup experience lmao.

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Frost said what I wanted to say.

The entire point of extending pressure is that you’re giving your opponent an opening to contest you, but you get to keep the advantage if they don’t. That’s literally how pressure works in fighting games.

The only time I think of stuff like that as “fake” is if you can literally cover all options completely mindlessly (jab beats everything, for instance), and the “fake” stuff will only work against people who don’t know the matchup, or are panicking. This does not sound like that.

Bison you can still auto pilot with no matter what your rank is. With the Guile nerfs you actually have to play Guile now so the frauds are going away.

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Urien charged ex slow fireball

Generally anything that isn’t tight. But “fake” is a misnomer because the mixup is between tight strings and non tight strings. Tight strings frame trap buttons (or should) but pushback on block. Fake strings leave a gap that can be interrupted, but you close distance if the opponent did nothing.

So something like Urien doing st.mp>walk up st.mp is “fake” so you can jab it.

But if Urien instead does st.mp>cr.mp now your jab gets CH and urien can confirm into a full combo.

You can use fake strings more when the opponent walks backwards to get out of pressure, or when the opponent uses delay defense like delayed throw tech.


For me it seems like most bisons are so auto pilot with their pressure that I’m able to vary my defense and get my turn back more often.

You sound like you play against bad Bisons. :V

Seriously though, almost every fighting game has a variety of the pressure extender vs frame trap mixup. It’s a pretty fundamental concept. That’s why I reacted to the claim it was “fake”.

Scrubby Bisons usually end up just throwing so many s.HK’s that they push themselves out of throw range and then you just have to make a call to get your turn back. The better ones mix in the fake stuff that closes the gap so you have to think more. The scrubby ones try to mix in the fake stuff but they usually take too long to do it or use bad gaps that are easy to press out of.

I’ve found that jabbing bison out of his pressure is the worst thing to try and do. It’s like doing a reversal, that risky. When I’m pressured by bison I just try and back away or backdash, or jump away or block or v reversal.

Bisons throw mixups on block aren’t scary from most bisons I’ve played so his “offense” is weaker… all bark and no bite. You can take his throw easily as well. If it’s a forward throw he doesn’t have frame advantage anymore for pressure. If it’s a backwards throw he gets some frame advantage, but no throw threat and more importantly, he tosses you away from the corner.


Your list speaks the truth for everyone. Don’t fall into the Bison propaganda!

I’m in diamond so if these bisons are still scrubby :man_shrugging:t4:

Also yeah, I almost never try to jab bison. You get blown the hell up for that shit.

Fake is just bad players or ignorant people’s way of saying there is a gap.

They think that if you could have done someing, it’s fake, completely missing the point that it’s a mixup IF you can convince your opponent that their only options are jab or block, but that’s the hard part because there are about 15 other defenses in the game. The only time offense is truly scary is when the opponent is cornered and no longer can back away… that’s when the gaps and throws and shimmy’s start to really pile on and decimate a lifebar.

The only other time offense is REALLY scary is on oki where the opponent can throw both your rises on reaction and meaty both on reaction… like versus Cammy or Karin as an example.

The “fake/gapped” pressure in this game is pretty similar to NRS/3D fighter stuff any way. You don’t get a lot of true shit in those types of games it’s more about conditioning people into stuff.


The difference is that’s not the on,y game in town for those games. Offense also has different types of gaps as well as strong high/low games. It’s not just a binary yes no decision which makes defense much harder to apply.

I don’t throw in tekken that much because the high/low is so good you usually don’t need to till you get to really high levels where people can react and fuzzy out consistently, at which point you simply throw out more things and concentrate on a different style of game that is still very effective.

Yeah SFV’s version of it is its own thing, but easier to understand if you already play those games.


The biggest difference in stuff like Tekken is really the sidestep though. A lot of the stuff you’d use to extend pressure tends to be linear, so you can just step that shit and launch people for half their health if they’re being predictable with it. That, or it’s duckable and you can just duck and launch regardless.

Diamond ain’t shit, most Bison’s up at GM are still on auto-pilot.