SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

As a Gief main, I love getting Gief mains on ranked with Falke.
Free points!

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And I’m sure when you play gief you think the same when you see Laura lol. Or maybe I’m just ass at that mu?

I’m sure that matchup is back to S1 levels of suck for Laura or worse.


Yeah that’s what I was getting at lol.
Feels like I have to play on point and get a dose of luck.
I remember older seasons some had it as bad as 8-2 in his favor.

S4 Laura - Gief seems like it’ll be extra shitty.

It has all the same problems it has before but I think his buffs this season take it up another notch. He can wall her out well and if she does make it in that is where he wants you anyways so it sucks.

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S4 Gief is a douchbag. Smh

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Yeah not a whole I can do. It’s like walking into impending doom. Laura needs to be close but he’s the last character you wanna be close to.

I play gimmicky against him but running into a good gief is a reality check on just how bad it is.

Got to see my gf one last time before she heads to basic training.

Anyways @FlyingVe Nash isn’t anything special but his neutral tools are pretty good. Even without his booms his buttons are pretty good. The main thing is just taking advantage of his poor defense (no 3f, no reversal besides CA, slow walk) to round steal from him.

For starters you have to respect his heavy boom. You can easily tell the heavy version because it has long start-up. Unless you can hit him out of the start-up its best just to block it. When it’s active he’s sort of like Guile with light boom where he can tag most attempts at dealing with it. Along those same lines don’t get baited into a fireball war against him since any non EX projectile will just feed his V-Gauge. Also jumping it is 100% the wrong thing to do against it since even with no meter he still has a pretty ironclad AA button in s.hk in addition to his air throw which sends his opponent full screen. I use EX.Scythe a lot because it’s decent damage and it allows me to focus more on the ground.

Last thing, but pay attention to his V-Gauge. Teleport isn’t going to steal rounds very often but he can punish long frame count moves from fullscreen with it. Like throwing a fireball while he has it stocked is just handing him a free jump in.

Edit: Also having used Alex for the first time today I like him a lot but he seems pretty trash lol. Feels like his c.mp is supposed to be cancelable or something.

Yeah every time I’d see that big bastard on the loading screen I would pray that the other person was gonna be antsy and jump a lot. If the Gief player is patient that match is a problem (thankfully “online” and “patient” usually don’t show up in the same sentence).

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which branch?

Also how old are you and how long have you guys been together?

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She’s Army National Guard so she’ll be back in DE for the most part after all her training is done.

We been together ~a year. I’m 23

Deleted- don’t wanna come across like a dick to @vhozite

I mean i didn’t take it any bad way I’m just curious about what yall are referring to.

Pretty sure DJ was being arcastic here :slight_smile:

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Usually when one part of a couple goes to basic training or military in general it gets rocky. But i don’t know y’all and it’s none of my business. So I figured I looked like a ass hell that might have not even been what he was getting at.

Fuck gief and his crlp


Haven’t heard anything too crazy about women in the guard. But Air Force, Navy (if they’re on a boat) and Army…different ballgame altogether.

Generally the Air Force has the hottest chicks. Have plenty of homies in the army; I’ve heard some awful second hand stories from people dealing with their medical.

If they’re on boats. Well crews on boats get a sort of year book. There’s about 3 women to a ship. So if your chick was in the navy, getting on a boat, you can more or less tell what that could imply for a young relationship.

Similarly, if you were enlisting, do not get married.

Let me say that again, if anybody here is enlisting, DO NOT GET MARRIED.

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Hey like i said no offense taken. Besides, I’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know long distance kills lots (most?) relationships.

It is what it is though. If it works out then great, but if it’s not in the cards then I’m not gonna lay down and die.

She’ll be gone a long ass time and it’ll be hard but at least on my end I’m not too worried about it.

Edit: idk where/when it was but I’ve heard the same shit about the Navy (boats) almost word for word. Also enlisting isn’t on my agenda but I’d be lying if i said I hadn’t considered it. Though frankly I’m not sure I’d make the cut due to medical/physical reasons.

Pretty much, but would be fun to see him pick them up any way.

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I second pertho on the don’t get married part all my buddies who did in the military are divorced now, well except for one. Glad you didn’t take it wrong.