SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

If you want chip damage, that game ain’t it, chief. Its pretty miniscule all around. Same with BBTag.

Have some barbershop, you cranky cumquants:


Yea I don’t know how it was in earlier street fighters because sfv is my first sf but on forums,Twitter,etc. it definitely gets the most hate, then come tournament time, “oh look sfv has the most entrants”. It’s funny in a way.

Its pretty easy to explain: People in this scene hate losing more than they hate any one game.



Idk low chip is pretty fucking trash imo. Not feeling these dashes that ignore projectiles either since screen flooding is half the reason i play these games.

As far as overall hate from people don’t play you might be right with sfv. Doesn’t matter what platform I’m on people speak on sfv like it’s the worst thing to happen to fgs. Don’t get me wrong I have my share of problems with the game too.

They ignore weak projectiles only. When they go though a projectile that counts as a hit so you can cancel.

This is part of why SSJ vegeta is so good as he can cancel the projectile into DP do blow up the dash.

Super dash is often a high risk/mid reward depending on weather the character can force a slide-out and has the oki to take advantage of it.

SSJ Goku is great at getting slideout from blowing up homing dashes, but his oki is mediocre.


To add, you can definitely set up super dash to make him a lot safer but you need the right team composition and spacing to make that work.

Super dash is still crazy strong, and you are going to get blown up by it from time to time

If I were in charge, I would nerf super dash so you have no air actions left after it is blocked

If u don’t like someone scroll past srk dont shoot ppl often

Yeah one reason i like Freiza is because his 5 and 2H are (pseudo) projectiles that can’t be dashed though. I’m still meandering through SP to unlock 21 though so the more intricate parts of the game are still lost on me.

Idk between the super dash and low chip it feels like another game like SFV somehow.


I just got back from work. Anyone want to play for a bit?

I’m game if you aren’t tired of me

Sure. I actually just got an email from work, so I gotta do something really quick.

So give me like 15 minutes. Imma play my garbage Sakura, I’m enjoying her because she is one of the few characters who didn’t bring their lead shoes.

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MvC2 was my favorite arcade game but i never played it properly like in that clip. Looks super hype.

Lol at chip doing small combos worth of damage. That’s how it should be

Just invite when ready

Well Spiral stacks chip damage hard in that game. MvC3 kind of went full dum dum with the chip damage. Instead of it being good, it went the ridiculous route with it.

Morridoom chip damage was doing full combos for chip; same with Zero in clone super. It was silly.


Yeah that sounds too high but DBFZ is too far at the other end. Like I’ll be looking at an enemy with 5% and i do a string into a lvl 1 and they somehow survive.

Oh and im not a fan of no setups on incoming characters.

If you’re gonna play DBF long term, then you’re going to have to accept projectiles being mostly meaningless.

BBTag got hot projectile shooting though. Cant kill through chip damage but you can defo mangle a health bar with it.

If that’s the case ill just stop playing now :man_shrugging:

Yeah… that isn’t true… projectiles are crazy strong in DBF, its just the counters to them are also strong.

But yeah, a pure keepaway/projectile based strategy doesn’t work. Not just because of the counters, but also because you are going to vanish of your hits and run the oki/freight train.

@Vhozite Invite is away.