SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I mean if DJ thought Cipher was breaking the rules I’m pretty sure he would’ve done something by now. As it stands he at least has something that can contribute to a discussion, I dunno if it’s really rule-breaking:

I mean Pertho himself says how terrible the game is and how good other games are all the time, you don’t like it just cruise by

(Side note with how discourse automatically handles images that 2nd part of that rule seems kinda outdated…although I guess still doing that with several images in a row would still count :thinking: )

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Except that if you take notice:

  1. DJ isn’t even here that much as of late (compared to the regular posters)

  2. DJ is a contrarion who likes things the opposite of what people like want. He’s also super laid back and doesn’t react to much with a response more than shrug.

That’s my dude but does anyone here expect him to actually do much as a mod?

Back to Cipher, his points aren’t necessarily wrong, but he is not actively trying to promote discussion. It’s just jabs at a game he doesn’t play or like. And let’s be real most of his posts are just bait and we all know it idk why you are giving him so much credit.

Also I tagged DJ and Pertho because I wasn’t sure who the official mod was here and i didn’t want to hit every one on the site just the guys here…

He still lurks plenty, you can tell from his profile.

If you have a legitimate problem, tag him.

SpinningBeat threatened to kill somebody. I’m not at the admin level so I don’t get to make the type of decision to bring him back. That’s not to put d3v, MrWiz or when he was it Preppy on the spot for it, but when you let that roll in one subsection as an admin, you’re setting a tone for the whole site.

You can feel how you feel about it, but it isn’t an easy decision to make.

Yeah, and I often times I cite gameplay, critique mechanics that I feel lead to bad gameplay in 5 and in general have a proper discussion. Which more or less shows how much you actually read any of anything. I also play people here whenever I have PS+ active.

People disagreeing doesn’t mean their shitting up a thread. That’s some 10 year old mentality.

Could’ve worded that better; I meant it in the sense that I’m not sure I’d quantify Cipher as shitting up the thread either.

You oftentimes do come in and just say “game still sucks” or the like without much else to it, other times you come in with, as you mentioned, good reasons for saying what you do. Cipher kinda does that…if not very well

Basically that but you have much more and much better things to say I guess is the best way to put it

Except im not asking for action against him for disagreeing. I’m asking for action against someone, by their own admission, is trying to bait and trigger people.

Nobody is asking for him to get perma-banned or anything drastic. Just some minor “stop being a complete dick” timeout phase that gets worse if it continues.

Like I guess we can do or say anything short of death threats and its ok?

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So you want to clap Frost and Pertho too?

You’re a bad man.

drops a manly tear

This is what this reminds me of:



Everybody gets salty. Coming in here to say the game sucks is basically an admission that ranked lagged dun got you.

The death threat thing is to get me to act outside of my subsection. The rest I’m not going to answer because I am in no way shape or form gonna tell DJ how to run anything. If you feel Cipher is an issue, he’s your mod.

The mod we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

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@DevilJin_01 come kill Cipher

Know I call the game shit all the time. :joy:

I’m convinced no other fighter gets people more salty, triggered,etc. than sfv. Free!


Out of the sheer shittiness of it? Maybe MvC3.

But SF5 is probably the one fighting game where I’ve met multitudes of people who don’t feel good when they win. That’s an impressive thing to have created.

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Idk I remember vanilla sf4 and both versions of mvc3 getting people mad.

Edit- not just vanilla sf4 Yun and Elena both.

Is it me or is there almost no chip damage in DBFZ?

Most anime games are like this.

Destructo disc moves do good chip.