SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Wait? Happ buttons don’t register when you merely run your hand a few millimetres over them?
Be right back, replacing all those bloody sensitive sanwa buttons for REAL stuff don’t register just because you moved your hand in front of them.
That will spare my arcade stick from a lot of punches due to stupid buttons coming out when I didn’t even touch the fucking button!

So is G supposed to be like Jam?


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Ono has pretty much been at every character reveal, hasn’t he? Characters are cool and all but people are concerned with the absence of Season news, especially considering the lukewarm Capcom Cup ending. I find it hard to believe that Ono, who will be in Japan, will not be attending EVO Japan, a platform where he could really take advantage of an announcement. And what’s more is that some how, people believe that there will be a SF5 announcement WITHOUT Ono, who has delivered every big SF5 announcement at tournaments of this nature.

Odds are slim to none. I’ll be watching to see though.

RedBull gives [your stick] wings.

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Want to play SFV?

Sure, give me a minute to turn on the Playstation.

Just invite me whenever you are ready. My CFN is my name here

Kind of ran out of steam after Deviljho.
Kulve and FF monster weren’t very appealing, just takes too long and forced PvP isn’t for me.

Also, if you ain’t about clobbering T-rexes over the head with a bagpipe, you’re missing out on life.

Gunlance explodes everything and doesn’t afraid of anything.

@Vhozite the invite is away.

Sorry forgot how to find invites

We were thisclose to being friends and then you had to ruin everything.

Maybe I’d think square gate as possibly useful if I mained only charge chars, but I don’t so I don’t.

That set took two years off my lifespan.
How many times can my buttons whiff through a body ;_;

Abigail is well known for his tiny hurtbox.

This last game is kinda rollback-y. Do we need to switch to grid again?

Yeah that one was laggy.
Lets stick to the grid

There’s no need of Ono to be at Evo Japan for a possible character reveal. Last year we discovered the S3 characters all at once and Ono presented personally the last two at Evo. It’s more about how Capcom is interested in pleasing who’s still not satisfied with the whole product tbh, those who are instead have no problems at waiting even longer for news.

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Ugh mirrors

I thought Vega would love mirrors :smirk:


We can all forgive Ono San for not being able to attend Evo Japan next week.