SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

You better take that round next time. Make him feel the fear of low body Diamond point draining.

I played Neon a few days ago and ended his 23 game win streak. That was the high light of the night for me. I say that like he’s someone I haven’t seen or met before but I’ve actually been attending the same local that he attends. It’s just that we haven’t ran into each other yet.

Another thing of note is that the local weekly actually had USF4 tonight. Man I hope they run that game in the monthly. I’ll always enter that game as long as it’s available.


I can barely get rounds on CJ Truth’s Kolin (her parry/counters force Falke to play really weird) so can’t wait to fight Neon again lol

I actually came so close to taking the set. I was up 1 round and had around a 40% life with him down to 10% in the 2nd. Then I got CC’d and I think guessed wrong on wake up after that to lose the set. I played him again and lost 2-0 but still did OK I think.

I do think it’s a good match up for Akuma and shoto’s in general though and Kolin players pretty much feel the same way.

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Having a real fireball vs Kolin is good because you can force her to eat shit that she can’t counter while mixing in buttons. Falke’s fireballs are more for counter zoning and Kolin won’t give AF about that. Ibuki does a lot better also, but she also kinda outranges Ibuki so Ibuki is mostly just about getting in and tearing her apart.

SFV now at 2.9 million sold.


Capcom definitely combined the original release with AE because it went from 2.2 million to 2.9 million now. That puts AE sold around 700k which I guess is OK.

I’m a stockbroker I love all the money that Capcom is making.


But why doesn’t Mika get nerfed.

That’s why. Don’t buff FANG either.

your wish has been granted


I already got Yakuza 6 but the version on it only has arcade mode and a shit load of content cut. I mean it’s understandable given Yakuza is already a big game with a lot of mini games. I wanna be able to do training mode, online matchmaking.

Since Virtua Fighter has been talked.

For you guys when is the time you find that a game is overly technical that it becomes boring?

Alpha 3, SFIV and most Tekken games. I hate games where it’s just like jargon for days just to play. VF toned down some of the jargony play by VF5, but yeah.


I feel like vf gets a bad rep when it’s really not bad I mean it only has three buttons ( don’t get me wrong the game is still technical af) . Where it and Tekken both get me is the fucking move lists why do characters need sooooo many moves lol. I just bought t7 and picked yoshimitsu and just scrolling through his list of moves was enough to make me give up.

Ps- yeah and some of sfiv as well it got a little silly but for different reasons than Tekken and vf.


For me it’s Tekken 7. After a month of playing I was spending hours in the lab grinding movement. It got to be really dull after awhile and I didn’t even find the combos satisfying. Also the movelists are gargantuan.

I can appreciate watching high level Tekken but it was official side game status for me so I wasn’t willing to put in that kind of effort to get good.


SFIV fits the bill for me. Labbing autopilot okizeme and option selects was neither fun nor satisfying for me.

Tekken movelists are bloated AF. With a few exceptions, most characters use 10-20 moves regularly, the rest just isn’t worth it against someone with decent defense (i.e. not me).

VF… It’s not that well known of a title anymore is the problem. As important of a series that was, very few people I know would bring that up if they could ressurect one series. Shame, because the little I’ve played VF was fun and fairly intuitive.


Oh yeah I forgot the movement. Learning to Korean backdash was another strike. I love watching Tekken matches but I don’t think I could dedicate the time needed to really get good at it.

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people tend to overexterigate at Tekkens Movelist
You have 100+ moves!
From which most are just strings listed from certain starter.

In the end you have basicaly around 30 actual moves and around 70 strings and move follow-ups.
It looks intimidating, but isn’t really, once you look trough it

Watching a SD Guile I always beat in ranked actually take a match off an UGM Urien I can see why Urien has problems with Guile. He can’t do any neutral bypass vs him without getting lucky. Throwing a sonic boom automatically covers his ground and air specials at the same time. Unless Urien has armor equipped he can’t tackle through boom without getting hit and if he tries to go up in the air during the sonic boom take the flash kick. Funny how an old school 2 special move character is enough to ruin Urien’s neutral.

I imagine Sagat should be pretty rough for him also for similar reasons. With Falke I have to galaxy brain between whether he’s going to charge from the ground or go in the air. Can’t really take care of both at the same time and she doesn’t have the offense to make him burn v reversals so always taking Aegis.


Spot on, Gat is easier but Guile is nightmare fuel, you either are one of those lab monster Urien and kill him as soon as you manage to confirm aegis or pretty much lose automatically.
That’s why I stopped playing him, Juri’s mu chart might be bad but she doesn’t have a single mu that feels as hopeless as that

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