SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

thats not true. you enjoy the game? play it, support it!
the whole arguement wasnt about that and i think even you know that.
i will be here when sf6 comes out, thats for sure. you too?

thats a very twisted view on a customer/publisher relationship you have.
do you believe capcom wouldnt sell any dlc costumes for mvci when people wouldnt buy em for sfv?
they would, but not for 4 bucks a single custome again. but people accepted the price due to…“you can unlock everything important for free” which as we know isnt really true so they keept that price even tho you couldnt unlock anything then in mvci. thats a good example of why you should not accept and support things when you believe they are wrong/bad because its not going to get better.

Sorry about that display at the end @FlyingVe

I’m just a fraud after all

GG’s @Akhos can deal with Mika a little better with Kolin because I can move a bit more, even if its at her molasses speed. I should have kept to VT2… I was just missing all my setups in Training mode so I had no confidence (I learned a couple).

If you wanted to see a sorry display, I was about to switch to my Sakura.

Very true, but how much would streetfighter have to make in order for capcom to make it an actual AAA fighter again instead of the AA shit they’ve been putting out?

Remember, sf4 was the predecessor to sf5 and sf4 sold very well, but sf5 was made like a damn flash game.

Yeah yeah sfxt and bla bla bla, but those weren’t streetfighter.

Man, I’ve been playing fighting games for almost 30 years and I still don’t think there has ever been one made that hit on ALL cylinders:

Good AI
In game frames
In game hitboxes
World tour mode of some kind
Great fighting game engine
Amazing training mode
Amazing tutorial mode
Amazing challenge mode
Back/save state button
Easy to use menu system
Great to good characters
Decent story mode
SLO mo and speed up ability in training mode
Training mode command list has the computer able to do moves to show them to you so you don’t have to exit and do the move then go back into the command list and see a different move, then exit back to do it etc etc etc
And finally for the newer school games
Correctly implemented rollback code, or just straight up ggpo with ping times and ability to select amount of input delay and ability to talk to opponents easy.

Funny thing is most of this stuff isn’t hard to implement. 85% of it is obvious ass QOL changes.

The 3 games that have come closest to this are:

VF evo and VF5
Soulcalibur 2 for Dreamcast
Most versions of tekken are decent but not up there with the above games.


What flag is baby blue stripes with white strips and on the left is a red triangle with something in the middle

Answer and you’ll get 500 FM

Is it still cool to complain about Balrog?

Don’t care how you feel about it. That’s legitimately how this works. Unless your ArcSys or NRS, fighting games are an investment in your earning potential for that year. They are also a risky one. What we do know though, is that Capcom has made decisions based on sales before.

SF4 started development because of the reception that the hyper fighting port received on 360 and the success of HDR. Ono said that based on Darkstalkers Resurrection they were going to make future decisions; that port didn’t sell well so we’re all eating a the No New Darkstalkers dick.

Disney sabotaged Capcom into making an ugly ass, rushed game and now MvC as a franchise is on the ropes due to poor sales. At least it isn’t Virtua Fighter which might as well be some fighting games the ancient greeks played at this point.

So you can feel free to have any type of emotion about what I said, it doesn’t make it any less true. This hobby is niche. Because its niche we have to hold that L the vast majority of the time when it comes to products. Why? Because not buying could easily be taken as no interest not “This particular version is bad but we’d buy a better one”.

The decision to buy is a binary one. Unless they do actual surveys (which they rarely do), then you either get to say yes with your money or no.



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Well that Cuba Ken just ragequitted during the last match of the set


Edit: Remind me to give each of you FM once Capcom adds FM Buy/Trade Market

Fun Fact: The Puerto Rican flag was created by Puerto Rican independence movement as a sister one to the Cuban Flag. A lot of the people who wanted independence for Puerto RIco collaborated with the Cubans. As such they made the flag with as a show of solidarity.

The idea of an independent Puerto Rico is so ingrained in the flag’s design that finalizing the blue triangle went through a tough argument. Various shades of the color representing what certain parties how they felt about Puerto Rico’s independence.

And that’s your unasked for fun history fact.



Hey monkey man. You want something cool for Jiren.


If you call Piccolo’s assist after Jiren’s 2H knockdown in the corner, you can pull them out of the corner for a cross-up. For ground tech, jump/air-dash forward and depending on when you throw your jump normal the homing ball may pull them out of the corner.

For up tech, you can walk forward or super jump for the same effect.

I can still find shit, but have no desire to make videos anymore, and don’t have someone available for me to test potential outs.

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Vf will save us all just believe…
I wish there was a decent way to play vf5fs on PS4.


Fun Fact: I haven’t impregnated a Cuban girl but I came close no pun intended. Don’t fuck with Cuban girls from New Jersey.

Have a sexy Cuban chick from Google Search.

She was sexy in her younger years

wtf she ain’t even cuban, the cigar is cuban LOL

Virtua Fighter couldn’t even save itself. Which is a shame cause I liked what little I played of it.

With all these fgs coming out it’s a shame no new vf. Plus even if they announced it I doubt it’d sell well enough in the West for Sega.


I don’t mean to spam or anything lime that but holy shit. I just fought against Shazzy. And I almost took a round from him! I never been so happy to lose.



I grew up watching Spaceballs on a loop. Fucking fantastic movie.

Likewise fantastic but not nearly as funny, “They Shall Not Grow Old”. Helps if you are a WWI nerd but the technical aspects of that movie are impressive enough on their own. Worth waiting around for the making of part to see how they put it together.

Watching replays has given me more G ideas. Looking forward to playing tomorrow/this weekend. I also seriously need to get into training mode and work on shit but matches are fun.

Isn’t he the highest ranked American player and top 5 in the world? Damn good for you man.