SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

What forum does Cipher read cause I’m sure it’s not this one

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This is what I see:

Command Grab>sHP>feint>sMP>VTC>sHP>EX Up punch>JC>Axe Kick>EX Dash Punch.

And that VT is almost certainly a damage buff.

I could be wrong obviously, but I don’t think she’s a good fit for this engine for the same reasons I thought she would be bad for SFxT.

And a 12 frame dash.

Long as it’s not better than S2 Rog or Laura I’ll live. G is a good design of having a HAM character with strong neutral that has real weaknesses. No HAM ass character has reached anything close to top tier that isn’t Ibuki or Akuma since Abigail. They’ve done a good job keeping the few real offensive characters they have DLC’d into a solid but not overwhelming position.

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Mak would probably just get a 15f dash again, if they go lower than 14f she’ll be so beyond stupid it won’t be funny. I appreciate 3S hype where it is, in 3S.

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I agree, and the catch and release grabs have been launchers, which limits some of that. And a VTC grab from G or Abi can already be silly.

As soon as street fighter stops making money its dumped in typical capcom fashion. It’s not like a DMC or RE. Capcom spends enough money from a “smaller division” of theirs that if people didn’t support sf5 another wouldn’t be coming, at not anytime.

These companies only understand dollars, but they don’t even get that right ig: EA When you stop supporting a game they assume “Oh I guess they don’t like this” not “Oh I guess they don’t like something we did or put in the game”

Look at 3S they invested tons into that game only for people not to like it, and “TILL THIS DAY” capcom is scarred from that. It took them 12 years and a lot of pushing from Ono for them to give it a go. It worked and they were like “Oh people like this” and we’ve been getting fighters every since.

As stupid as it may seem, but the more money you feed into sf5…the better chances you have of getting a higher quality sf game.

I really hope we get an release at evo japan, I don’t think we will…but we should. I also hope its rose or makoto

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Makoto’s whole shtick is to have the lightening dash… not having it would be like sonic not being the fastest smash character. So that puts it at a minimum of 14-15 frames, except it’s going to be huge.

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I organized an event tonight where I held both a chess, Mario Kart and Smash Ultimate tournament. I somehow did okay in Smash Ultimate in spite of not really having played the game, beating at least one reasonably good local and apparently impressing a few people. Lucina is easymode I guess?

Problem is, now I actually wanna learn that game. Sigh. I don’t have time for another damn game.

Also Link actually looked fun. (Baiting @Akhos here)

Lucina is super easy mode (sorry).

All the links are strong in ultimate, especially young link.

Yeah, just saying 12f again in a game with mid coverage, and CCs like V is going to be fucking stupid even for Makoto standards.

I’ll settle on 15f with nice range, anything less is just too much imo.

Thought so, she felt like Melee Marth with more lax spacing requirements. Fun to play though.

SFV’s frame data and other systems work around normalized values and I don’t think any character in V has a 15F dash any way. 16 is usually like they “you have an OD dash” number for this game.

If anything they’ll probably just make it 16 but just make the range it covers and the way it animates ambiguous. 4.5 frames of lag means nobody can be S1 Nash levels of dash stupid anymore. Don’t count on it.

On top of that when Makoto launches she’s going to have such and such frame data/pushback issue that keeps her out of meta that they’ll have to patch or whatever. That shit usually happens.

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V Reversal should kill. That would be so dope.


She could also be really different. If anything SFV has shown that Capcom is willing to mix up old designs.

For example, no catch and release on normal command grab, but wallbounce on EX? If she had oki after the regular one that would still be super strong in this game.

16f would be wack cause others already have that and cover long distances. Urien/Ryu can already zip and zoop, Mak needs to be the best at zipping and zooping. But going 3S status and throwing in a low ass number on dash would be insane.

15f, long range.

Ken and Chun both have 15f dashes i think.

nobody has 15f, 16f is lowest it goes

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Ultimate is the final form of Brawl. They’ve been tweaking that design since that point and now it’s pretty good. It’s definitly a more defensive game than Melee though.

Yeah I’m holding out for something major to change for her. Sagat lucked out mostly being Sagat, but somebody is gonna get some Codyish switch up.

Plus one of the things that made Makoto’s dash OD in 3S any ways was it covered like 3 character lengths. 16F moves her 3 characters lengths in one dash that’s OD enough without going far out of numerical values. Makoto doesn’t have a walk traditionally and can’t air maneuver like Bison so they could find a way to make it fair.