SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I think all they needed was to lower the launch price to 40 dollars from 60 and call it ‘SF5: Tournament Edition’. That way people would’ve realized that this is not THE Street Fighter 5, but a starter pack for the competitive player and that the casual edition i.e. AE would come down the line.

I thought Capcom were pretty clear about what the launch SF5 would entail, even the first ad was aimed at the FGC directly and not casuals. However, most people are dumb as shit, and Capcom should’ve taken that into account by spelling it out in the name of the game.

In retrospect, one can see the many stupid mistakes they could’ve avoided with simple solutions. Hindsight is 20/20 though, hopefully they learned their lesson.


I wonder how the math on this works, but, how would profitAbility compare between releasing characters for free (and selling more costumes, and other ancillaries from the increased player base), or continuing to charge for characters.

Depends on the characters. SF5 characters look and animate like you would expect from a Triple A fighter IMO. I would hate to lose out on this quality in order to give them away for free.


I’m just thinking if the characters were free, more people would come back/check them out which could lead to more sales of costumes and the like. This also keeps the population and as a result the engagement higher.

This is kinda how other games work. Shooters give you the maps for free and charge for cosmetics (some also charge for other things but… yeah).

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BlazBlue is weeb trash. Its claim to fame is being that property ArcSys created because the had issues with Sammy and couslnt continue Guilty Gear.

Dont @ me.


Makoto is right around the corner.

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If I were to bet on the next character.

I would bet on Honda.

XKira already confirmed Abigail #2 so, shrug

I just want 4.5 with Juri buffs and Akuma nerfs

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I got $10 on Makoto or Rose


They haven’t really buffed Juri for 2 patches in a row so good luck. Juri could use a M16 though.

I’ll set for just the Akuma nerfs

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Everyone who has a horse in this race, place your bets.

I will also put 10 on Makoto.

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Do you people really want Makoto? In this game engine?

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She was the first SFV character so why not?

Can’t get any worse.


Clearly, they are going to add Dee Jay’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate to the game, not Makoto.

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makotos dad.

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Well that’s better than DeeJay


Real talk i only want her so Feroce can have his main. It’s like Daemos without Bison. Besides she’s basically SFV the character anyway.

Put money on Honda

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You’re all beneath me, cause you keep swallowing the shit Capcom serves you with a grin.
And two minutes later complain that Capcom served you the shit you just ate willingly.

There won’t be change, you’re telling Capcom that they do the right thing.

Characters should be Top Tier, cause they were once bosses.
Bonchan can’t get free wins, Sagat needs a fullscreen full invincible special that CC and is + on Block.
It also tags Jumps.

Vega needs his Walldive Vortex and 3/4 Screen Normals back.
Balrog should be One Punch Man.
Bison players win by picking him in the Select Screen.

SRK Balance Mind in a nutshell.
Also make Akuma Top Tier just because he’s Akuma, it’s ok he’s Akuma he doesn’t need to be balanced.