SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Love it how the idea of balance is in this forum on the same level as Youtube comments.
Thats even below Eventhubs level of bad.

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Funny, coming from the guy that writes YouTube level posts here.


You’re right.

He’s the king.

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That almost hurt my feelings.

Then I rememberd, this isn’t even that far off from the quality standards here.

Thicc Yoko


There’s a first person mod for Remake 2 but no first person mod for SFV yet…disgust

You know, after experiencing it in SFV and several other games, i can’t stand this drip feed content cycle some games are using. I feel like small additions over time are less fun but im not sure why.

Like content wise I’d rather get a bottle of water once every 6 months that a few drops here and there with no regularity.


I don’t know, I feel that this model is misunderstood by the big publishers. If you look at the mobile (F2P) game that use this model, they have new content on an almost daily basis. When is the big game use this model, it seems they default To “one new content every few months”.

Sea of thieves is a decent attempt at doing this right. They have big content updates every month or so, but smaller things at a much greater frequency.

Valve with Dota2 are masters of the F2P model. Capcom should emulate that to the letter. It could be a huge gamble at first but if it pays off, it will re-write the genre and reach out to people like we haven’t in years.

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Maybe I’m just an old about this stuff, but I don’t really get the expectation for new content. Especially considering that they went out of their way to say they aren’t selling a new bundle deal.

KI also did a good job. But part of their secret was keeping the price sane.


I like what they did for S3 arcade edition reveal. Reveal all the characters at once. That generates hype and gets discussion going.
I preferred if they announce each char at least a month before it’s release. At the moment a char is likely to be released this month and we have no idea who or exactly when it’s going to happen.

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For me it gets a little funky with FGs because so much of playing them is learning characters and match ups. So the game feels like it is in a flux state until the character release cycle is done for that year.

I feel like the right way to do it is sort of what they did with with S3: announce all the characters so people know what is coming, then march them out at a good pace so that players can get their hands on them and they can factor into the meta a bit before the next cycle starts up.

It was way nicer to get G and Sagat right after EVO compared to how long it took S2 to finally wrap up its chars. Zeku came out in like Sept or something like that?

Fill in the rest of the time with costumes, stages, music, goofy in-game events, etc, and I think you have a pretty good flow for a season of content.

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I’m not into F2P model there are dangers with it, that can turn SF into something it cannot comeback. KI did a good job but as we know Capcom had already a bad impression with those stuff. Namco’s SC and Tekken F2P were a bad example of this. It’s like japanese has different expectation, approach and priority with F2P design. They need a more western approach to F2P with a priority of reaching.

It would just open a can of worms, because Capcom is having already a very negative appeal regarding DMC5 microtransaction and SFV FM. In can also lead to corporate scheme of microtransaction, they had already had a bad appeal with previous games it’s to risky. Capcom should know their priority before going to F2P.

I know a lot of monitization systems in eastern games are very aggressive by western standards. Many of these are at least free from the outset though. It could be some of that bleeding through.

I think another part of the problem is that, with a fighting game, there are some limits on what you can do. For example, I have that fire emblem mobile game. It is simple, but there are lots of ways to mix up the gameplay and add new things. To some extent, Ryu will always just be Ryu.

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Games old now, honestly I’m surprised it made it this far. Street Fighter name got power.

4 seasons after that launch is pretty good.


Yeah was gonna say, most game lifecycles are around 1 1/2 years, maybe 2. 4 is absurd, especially for niche genres.

Getting a S3 was already surprising.

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I dunno, many fighting games stick around for that long.

KI got 3+ seasons.

Hey, game is good. People should not mistake complaining/discussion for hatred. Even though they often use the same language.

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thats why the sp part needs to evolve to appeal to more people and actually binds them longer to the game than just with a 3-4 hour story mode. as long as you dont water the gameplay down completely the casual masses will have no long time fun just playing online for some points to rank up on a meaningless list. and you need them to have a steady income in a f2p environment.

party games like smash or brawlhalla not included since they play completely different and the appeal is a different one.

MK is the gold standard for fighting games as a product. What they do should be close to the expectation. Alternatively, leave all that out and charge less.

I finished SFV story mode the other week… and that was honestly a waste of Capcoms time and mine.

Regarding gameplay, I’ve always said the biggest thing you can do to make casuals happy, is keep the basic execution requirements simple. My examples that I always use are Smash Melee and Carl from BB. Smash is very easy to “just play” at a basic level, but when pushed things build up very quickly. In BB I always site Carl. Doing his individual actions is all simple, but putting it together is hard.

I actually think SFV does a really good job balancing this.