SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Unrelated but I’ve been seeing a lot of Hsien-ko stuff on my timeline for some reason, thought I’d share one before I head off

Given the games you enjoy I figured you’d be used to that kind of thing XD

This is me we’re talking about, I don’t do fake stuff 'cause it’s too risky.

I just stuck to basic buttons, didn’t go for command grabs unless it was a meaty or a tick throw, and basically never used VTI 'cause I haven’t labbed how to use that effectively

…in other words I’m playing a not optimal “smart and honest” Mika 'cause I can’t break out of my safe space XP

Search Akhos_ on CFN and you can see what I’m talking about


Well played…

Considering how you play, think you’d get good mileage outta vt2. My preference when I play her.

Edit: Also all the Mika tech you’ll need.

I don’t like VT2 'cause the 2nd activation is harder to use and it’s 3 bars

VTI has the potential to be used twice a round, can be used for combo extentions, making things safe and of course unblockable shenanigans. I just get tunnel-visioned on playing neutral and a basic throw game that I forget to add in the cheap stuff~

Because she is waifu.

Now leave her alone you heathen.

Vt2 is more fun. :man_shrugging:t4:

So what can I do to deal with Abigail’s VT2 from a distance? Jumping, blocking or hitting doesn’t work, since the hitbox is so tall, it guard crushes, along with the bastard having like 2 points of armor.

I know supers can deal against it, but I’m talking if I don’t have super… like what do I do?

CC is to sf5 as throw was to ST. Every baddies excuse for being bad.

“Hey if I can just block and not be killed by these throws I’ll be so much better!”

“Hey if I can just spam neutral jabs and mediums because my footsies are shit and I can’t read dashes, I’ll be so much better”

I don’t really see the big difference tbh. The characters that have that strongest CC buttons tend to have some of the weakest pressure or neutral, and the CC is there to make up for it. This is why high tier fire ballers and keep away (gat ryu) only get spin state from crouchable CC. Cammy CC is crouchable because she is a disease and pressure in a bottle. Giving her a good CC button would be crazy.

People haven’t yet figured out that Urien is Alex’s cousin and Urien players play dumb and all in because that’s one of the only ways the character actually works. Patient play, while he’s good at it, he’s not good at converting that into pressure and damage. He has no ex WW/zonk/run style move to get in point blank or with advantage, no DP AA, his fireball is one of the slowest to recover and a myriad more things about him that aren’t great.

BUT… he has aegis, cr.mk xx aegis, ex tackle into aegis and if the Urien player is bad, random specials for neutral…

Uriens not bad by any means and is super easy to play, but he’s got what he’s got for a reason, same as rog and bison have st.hk for a reason yet Chun has no spin state CC that doesn’t have a huge weakness… or 4…

Lmao. People will cry this game into nerf city and it’s already got the weakest versions of sf characters there has ever been.


I agree with your overall point but Bison and Rog can force the issue as soon as they get a bar. I also don’t consider M.AlwaysPlus.Bison’s pressure weak, at least not in SFV.

Also I do not like CC’s because they help enable dashes. I don’t care if it makes me bad but 15-17 frame dashes are dumb in a game with SFV’s garbage tier lows and active frames.

Moving the goalposts here, but does anyone actually like SFV’s dashes? And by like i mean not find them totally ridiculous.

Urien is Alex, but good…holy shit.


Yes she’s cute

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After a year and however many days after first buying this game, some character crisis, and losing many braincells fighting Vegas, I finally hit diamond rank tonight. This game can be so frustrating, but man is it fun when things go your way.


Bisonsressure is super weak outside a few moves, that’s why he needs those moves. The only thing I think is busted about bison is EXdr. St.hk feels perfectly fine for who it’s on. Even ex dr feels “kinda” fine for being on bison.

But I guess it’s one of those what came first the chicken or the egg deals.

Which came first? Bisons slow walk speed and it was balanced by some of the most rigged specials ever?

Or was he given some of the most rigged specials ever, then capcom figured… ok this is busted, we need to tone this character down somehow… let’s make him slow as sim! Yeah!

The world may never know, but one of the screwiest street fighter designs came out of that process whatever it was.

Also I like sf5’s dashes, but not in the context of sf5. I like dashes this powerful when there are ALSO normals that are super powerful to combat them, and likewise very strong AA to keep the binary dash/jump mixup a bit weak.

But as everyone knows, I would change many things about this game were I the one helming it.

I do think the game is designed well as far as what Capcom wanted to accomplish. I just hunk that want Capcom wanted to accomplish is fucking stupid.

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An epic battle between two equals…


Pretty sure it was the slow walk speed first. He was the slowest character in the game, and had the walk animation to match it, but they made sure to give him many mobility options in form of forward moving specials, normals, and a good dash.

For better or worse, I don’t think any SF character plays quite like SF5 Bison, and in that Capcom actually further carved out and honed Bison’s niche, and gave him an even more unique playstyle. I hope they refine this playstyle in future Bisons.


Yeah, never saw in SF a character with slow walkspeed having an amazing dash too,really unique.



She was on my mind, but in the end she simply doesn’t have enough of Bison’s shenanigans to be considered the same playstyle.

(Bison is also a charge character which automatically makes him superior in every way.)

Would be cool if they made the 4 bosses strong. Something feels right about that. Vega and Sagat being shit ain’t right. Particularly Sagat.

Yeah suck my nuts I main him.


Sagat isn’t a boss any more :^)


Last part of Jin Saotome outfit is this week IIRC Rememba

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