SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

That’s advice I need to take to heart is the jumping too much. I just won back to back against a Platinum ryu in ranked and the only real change I made was trying to keep my feet on the ground more and baiting.

It doesn’t help that I keep getting accidental jumps on this ds4.

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You know what pisses me off about EX DPs?

When you anti air someone with it, only for it to with whiff the most damaging part. It’s like the game is saying, oh you thought you were gonna get rewarded for correctly punishing the opponent? well fuck you then

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I just think of it like jumping is only as good as your ground game. If your ground game is ass more of their focus is on AA.

That’s true when I force myself to not jump and take my time walking in I get anxious as fuck which let me know I need to work on it. And it also scares the opponent into making mistakes sometimes.

So against Dhalsim, when he teleports and appears in back of you, is there anything you can do or do you just have to block it? I was playing against a dhalsim the other day and he kept teleporting on my ass, I tried hitting him but he always hit me with that normal where he puts his hands together and slaps(?) down. Anything I can do?

If he is doing raw teleports, as in nothing going on in the neutral and he teleports behind you, you can jab him out of it. If he has a projectile protecting him, you’re gonna have to block.

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Nah he was doing raw teleports, I tried to hit him with ryus cr.hp but his slap always won, not to mention I blocked the wrong way half the times lol.

You have a 3 frame standing jab.

Elbow his nuts out of the air and get a free mix up. Mans was being a silly goose.

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Actually that reset is super bollocks because Dhalsims landing frames are SF5.

You can use st.mp also.

You don’t have to block , when you see him teleport just push the button, it’ll auto correct it for you.


Ah ok so a jab or medium will work, thanks. Also just realized if he threw fireballs then did that while the fireball was connecting with me then I couldn’t punish as pertho said, that’s actually brilliant, makes that teleport risky raw but super useful if you cover yourself with a fb.

Nah, they’re both different. Even their CFN’s are different

Our Phantom is from Italy.


I wanted to know if the female Chun had a wewe before I said she was cute -_^

If he does that you still have options.

You can jump back which usually means you’ll land behind him again, or you can jump forward as he teleports over the fireball.

The EX is the tricky one. If you EX dp it’ll get out of it but you gota hit that just as he switches.

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Twin, you my homie, but…

Ever see Mahreen?


No, our phantom is mexican. Said as much during the gun control debacle.

Either way @Phantom_Miria is a scandalous broad on instagram. So if you think she cute, then she cute.

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GG’s @Akhos


Wanted to end the night with one more Ed grind but I guess you were fed up with Mika :sweat_smile:

Oh, sorry I could have stayed, I got people wanting to play DBFZ.

I don’t have a problem with your Mika, if I quit every time a character made me salty I wouldn’t be playing games no more. Its just, so often against Mika, it just feels like 1 player game.

Lab her! I swear watching peeps get mika’d makes me wanna cry. I legit can play Mika because of how much I labbed her. If you don’t straight up dominate her, you have to know her real shit and the fake shit.

There was this chun li a couple days ago on punks stream, damn she was soooo good, gave punk some trouble, and it takes a lot to give punk trouble. Might be the same chun li, can’t remember the name but on the chat they were talking about Mexican lag so I guess that player was from Mexico.