SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I’m okay with a quick remake.

Also, I have no idea what I am doing with Zangief. Dash 720 was fun though.

Need to get that taunt 720 though

Taunt execution is too hard in this game. I only have 5 fingers.

For the record I could have done all those Ed combos but I didn’t wanna

prove it

I don’t want to make Akhos look bad

I can’t possibly look worse :slight_smile:

You are really shitting it up in here. Everyone else is playing CPT level and you are frankly bringing us down.


Time to go bottom of the barrel

I think we are gonna need a bigger barrel.

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Darc trying for the distraction tactic I see

I was trying for it but forgot to take the coat off :sob:

Edit: time for redemption

Double edit: got the coat

well… lost about 800 points today, that aint so good. Time to take a break for the day.

Well that one felt terrible. :skull:

Could always reconsider going away from Laura c:

Ha, oh no you don’t. You can make any char look great vs me but I remember what it’s like using her in shitty fights.

How do you think I feel when using Ed

Make it work

I’m trying but it’s hard from down here in the barrel.

GOSH DARN IT ED WHY you stupidhead

Hey at least I didn’t punish it. But yeah that suuuuucked.

Ed get back in the barrel.