SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Man I’m so trash at this

Get revenge now!

Edit: Kage reminds me of Laura with his normals. Damn little arms.

Double edit: I’d call that revenge.




Well he got it okay!

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That wasn’t random select doe

Doesn’t matter how much you downplay. You will never have that waste basket!

Because Bea won’t stop bugging me about it XP

EDIT: And that’s why I don’t use him

Yeah… that reminded me of me… that ain’t good.

Now who is playing random select???


I apparently need a lot more.

Edit: LOL I didn’t read the character names and I was like hell yeah Ve kick his ass with Abi!

Thought we were gonna go double muscle power

I made the wrong read

You want muscle mirrors. We can do that.

Did I grab you out of the air like a wizard? or fuck up the 360 motion?

You will never know!

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@FlyingVe Are you guys still playing, have room in the lounge for the Imperator of SRK Scrubs?

Damn I felt the psycho power there for a second

I’m sure we could make room, @Akhos

We are currently in a mad dash to the bottom.

We will see how deep this barrel really is!

Well let me log on to my PC. Dark_Requiem is my PC tag.

I’ll need to remake the room, I can’t expand slots without remaking it

Damn muscle power fake out again

Edit also that st.MP is soooo fuckin good.

Okay I’ll remake and reinvite everyone

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