SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

@Akhos @GetTheTables

I’m ready now if we want a room.

I prefer VT2 because I don’t care for 3 bar VT’s but those first two setups are grimey af.

Sent an invite

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Let the record state that I shouldn’t have had even a shot of rum tonight.

I fucking hate dealing with Akuma’s bullshit so much. He jumped? Too bad you cant even try to anti air because air hadouken will hit you into a full combo and oki. He did EX Demon Flip? That by itself sums it up. You wanna press a normal? Well he will just punish you with st.MK into full combo nonsense. Wanna jump on him? Impossible he will just b.HP into knock down or VTC his projectile into VT DP into oki

But oooh he has 900 health so obviously he needs all this to be viable! :open_mouth:


One sec guys I need the restroom you play a game or two

Dammit, I’m in the middle of something important. Not sure when I’ll be free. I want to defend my sponsorship TRASHCAN|Darc Requiem

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@Akhos damn man you’re better with G for the lulz than I am after plugging away at him for like a month :laughing:

He knows his Medium Punches.

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Grab a character with a fireball immune anti-air. Does half the work for you against online Akuma.

Sagat HP Uppercut demolishes Akuma’s jump mixes

Cody v-skill too.


I hate my life right now…

My kid was watching a acrtoon that seems to use the KoFXIV engine

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I was sending you energy on that one but I think it went to G by mistake.

Two games now I’ve thrown due to dropping an easy combo…

Feels great ya? :tophat:

The waste basket will be mine!

It’s 'cause you guys didn’t vote

G got ugly.

Damn that is why I have been doing bad with G.

I haven’t been using his high low fireballs or his uppercut.