SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I’ve played both characters for well over 3 months. YZ AA is pathetic compared to chun. But chuns isn’t great either. YZ AA like st.mk only works against shallow jumps with terrible hurtboxes which aren’t jumps that good players will generally be making.

He’s not FREE to jumpins same as bison isn’t, but their AA is on the same level and totally loses to strong jumpin hitboxes if you aren’t going air to air.

Is that part of the game satisfying?

And growth is important because of the shareholders. The only way they win is if the shares go up (due to growth). If there isnt growth then money has to be found in other ways so they can get there dividends. Usually by cutting back on outgoing money.

The really shit part is the CFO getting a multimillion dollar sweetener and the CEO getting a massive bonus as the same time. Thats shitty.

Ideally these are decisions you want to make before you start losing money. Waiting until you go red would be very bad management.

Simple example, if you invest in the business (this include personnel) based on a projected 10% year over year growth, but after a few years that projection is lowered to 5%, you would be foolish to not consider reducing overhead.

Regarding the pay checks, a big part of that is simple market forces. If the board could find a way to run the company with a less valuable person at the helm, they probably would. Also, I would want to read his compensation agreement before I judged the bonus. Those bonuses are not decided on a whim, they are contractually agreed upon when the executive is hired.

As I said before, I do not have the relevant information to fully explain the reason, but “because the executives/board want more money”, doesn’t usually follow.

Also, layoffs are very common across the entertainment industry.

Always remember, “Hanlon’s Razor”.

Yeah, but…I still don’t like it XP

…don’t really have anything substantial to add on to that point aside from wishing the insightful button was back, so now’s where I ask if you or anyone else is playing tonight

I certainly don’t like it either. I think corporate decisions often rub people the wrong way because they are usually extremely dispassionate, and our brains are wired for empathy.

Like I said, Hanlon’s Razor.

I will be on in about 30 minutes? maybe a little less. I will post.

I’d like to think this is the case but the internet keeps trying to convince me otherwise

When you aren’t accountable for what you say… all rules go out the window.


Internet behavior is in no way shape or form near actual human behavior.

I’ll be on in 5-10. I’m exhausted so I think I’m gonna drink a beer and flail with other chars to see how they feel in matches. If anyone is up for that.

What buffs/nerfs can be made to make chun a better character?

I say nerfs as well because I’m a big proponent of taking one step back to take 2 steps forward.

Some characters will never get significant buffs because capcom overvalues certain tools the characters have, and in that case it might be better to just get rid of said tools.

For me, I think chuns iall is completely overvalued at this time. If done at the exact same time as a throw tech wiff, the iall is too slow to hit the opponent which makes it extremely difficult to use since the opponent has to tech AFTER the iall is already off the ground.

Then the iall is so bad on block as well that chun is in a terrible position. All in all it was nerfed too much and probably won’t be getting any kind of real buff, so may as well just take it away and give chun a real tick throw or a real stagger game by taking away fmp and reducing st.mp pushback on block… slightly.

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I may also get beer.

We could throw together a 3-man room again. I’m still gonna be working on Zeku, maybe with a bit of Karin thrown in there.

I’d say it’s perfectly representative of a form of it. It’s them, but uncensored. Without the consequences of saying these things in public.

It’s how they wish they could be in real life.

Or it lets them spew a bunch of crazy stupid bullshit that turns my folks into anti-vaxxers who thinks that polio is made up by the health industry to make us pay money for fake medicine and have zero concern for the issues that have been caused by the spread of said movement

…and on that cheerful note

Perfect excuse to use the Presidential powers that have been transferred to me.

I guess I’m the only one not getting beer though :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like your parents also need to learn “Hanlon’s Razor”

Seriously, I don’t know why Occam gets so much press, his razor is bottom of the barrel.

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Cause Occam’s Razor sounds like a cool super move from a 90s era fighting game.

Edit: Also on now, feel free to invite whenever. Gonna dick around in training mode.

Looking at the weekly challenge FM rewards still makes me a little sad.

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I’d love to, but they’re too far gone at this point I’m afraid.

Before I moved out I heard that 9/11 was an inside job, the government is spraying us with chem trails, Sandy Hook was faked, the Mandalay Bay shooting was also an inside job, the vaccine thing I mentioned already, the wildfires in California are actually weapons tests being done by the government, there’s a satanic pedophile ring being run by the Clintons that Trump is secretly trying to dismantle…and several more that I don’t remember.

The ONLY thing they’ve looked into that they didn’t fall for is Flat Earth which legit surprised me.

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I decided to actually lab for once and I’m focusing on whiff punish options vs. the cast, I started on the Sakura matchup because a friend plays her a lot.

It has reminded me how god damn stubby everything is and how silly the hurtbox retraction is.

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That reminds me. Watching YT before this and I get an ad.

It’s a 6 min ad from some fucking looney guy talking about how gold is the secret to the universe, how there are portals you can use to skip parts of life, how we can all become immortal by eating from the tree of life, and probably some more wild shit I didn’t stick around for.

I legit wanted to see what he was trying to sell but it was too much crazy to wade through. Apparently they don’t screen the YT ads with much vigor.

Unless it starts costing them money Youtube doesn’t care that much it seems

Yes and no, and i only say that because i only have a few hours under my belt so im not working with the best equipment the game has to offer and i only have 2 of the classes unlocked. Without getting too wordy, basically the “combo” system (stacking effects for a big damage followup) is where your power comes from, but outside of that you feel pretty weak. Weapons are mediocre so far, and the abilities that prepare/detonate combos are weak on their own. Guns in general feel like something you do between cooldowns instead of threating primary weapons. Besides that it feels like one of those games where the enemies go down in droves or just immidiately dunk on you.

All in all its fun, but I can’t really tell you if I’m weak due to being low level or weak for other reasons.

Bottom line: I’d recommend it, but not for $60 so far. Wait for a sale.

Edit: Another thing I want to mention that I don’t like, but the open world doesn’t feel very open at all. In the story mode there are a couple load screens every level, and in free roam the flight ceiling feels quite low. The environment itself looks nice but feels barebones somehow. Like if you’ve seen the movie Avatar (blue people) you’ve seen everything i have so far.

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I die inside every time I miss that medium to medium. Something about it makes me feel like it should be a slower link.