Again Ed WHY
Ed’s CA unpunishable, confirmed
That was not Ed’s fault.
Failing to punish however, was mine.
Trash can here we come.
I meant the Psycho Rising whiffing after I hit with crhp xP
I mean why would a special connect at all ranges and work when you think it should? That is just crazy talk.
Yeah, Ed still doesn’t work like an actual character. No matter who you are there will always be the fear lingering in the back of your mind that whatever you’re doing is going to whiff and you’re going to die.
See, irrefutable proof that I’m bad at this
WTF, I’m getting smoked like a Cuban cigar
Welcome to playing Akhos, especially his Ed.
My mini game is to live past the first 20 seconds.
See Laura’s just fine for you
Dear lord I’ve lost all ability to AA
AA? What’s that?
It’s the thing I used to do before I started character hopping and drinking beers. So I guess I can’t be too mad.
See, everyone’s beating me free
Every time I pick Karin I do better. i should just play her more.
I’m not responsible enough for a fireball.
I feel the same way. It’s painfully clear when I play a char with a fireball that I cannot be trusted with such a tool.
Damn do I hate Alex.
At least he is gonna die at 40 due to his horrid posture mashing his organs.
Hello officer, I’d like to report a robbery in progress