SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

No I mean Zekus MK and HK DPs are subject to CC because they do have invincibility. So the LK one does as well to keep it consistent across all his non-EX DPs.

None of Sakura’s non-EX DPs have any invincibility so none of them can be CC’d. Same with Ibuki’s.

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Ah, yes.
Also, all Zeku’s DPs have projectile cancellation properties, so that could also explain the CC state.

@Akhos I saw Idom using st lk with Laura to deal with crossups. Can you enlighten me about it?

"For those confused, the tier list was made based on the following criteria:

  • how often you see the char with an “online” playstyle
  • how different that online playstyle differs from effective offline play
  • how effective the online style is

Almost spot imo except for, urien should be in a separate tier of his own (represent the nucleus of cell). Juri should be higher too.

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Played Rog and Abigail at the height of their stupidity.




Swell, the DOA6 beta is downloading on my PS4 right now.
I can’t wait to dunk people with Bass during the weekend. The FGC is saved!


Packz had kage top-mid tier in the beginning of the season. Cammy mid tier, and Dictator top 5. Now they all shifted position all over the place. Funny how much 2 months changes. Who would’ve thought doing tier lists right at the begining of the season was a good idea?
This is however something you can believe.

People greatly exagerrated how bad Cammy’s nerfs were tbh. Abigail got hitnwith the sweaty nerf stick harder.

Deserved it though.


I almost dropped my phone when i jumped off the ground mimicking Blanka’s win animation

Good morning everyone

@Rooflemonger or anyone else, how do I get the PC beta for DoA6, steam tells me fuck all.

Also people SNK heroines is out on steam I wanna buy it but I don’t.
Convince me in either direction.

beta is not on steam, you will need to wait for the final product to come out and purchase it.
why would you want to waste money on the heroines game? no one is going to play it.

Use your money to buy me a pair of these instead.

My birthday is in September.


Buy Doa6 instead.

This DOA6 demo is looking pretty clean. Can’t wait to play out.


I remember seeing folks talking about this on the Laura discord awhile back. I think its the fact that her hurtbox stays leaning back during the frames of the attack so it can throw off the cross up (maybe only if it isn’t especially deep/tight?).

If you compare st.LK to other normals on sfvdiff you can kinda see how it would work out.

Unrelated to SFV I am also hype for the DOA6 beta. :peach:


How is Zeku in the protist category? What am I missing? If I am working way to hard and have derp I want to know what it is!

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It’s a Brian F tier list. Aka trash that you shouldn’t be looking at anyways.


Well I’m still a scrub and will believe what what anyone tells me.

Because I am a degenerate

One does not exclude the other, I am an adult with disposable income
See also previous comment about degenerateness as to why I will probably get it

I don’t live in Greatagania so I can’t buy guns like one would buy candies; how about this beauty instead

That’s not true…

It’s much harder to buy candy.