SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

but you will need the money for all the doa costumes :point_up:


This is why our matches are more even.

We are still playing checkers…


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People dont kmow his frame data so you can do some hilariously negative things to mess with people. You can also do some hilariously positive things and people dont know them either.

You give me too much credit. I’m still at Chutes and Ladders.

I fucking loved that game when I was tiny! You play G though, so it’s probably really closer to “Trouble!”

At least we’ve leveled up from candy land.

Well, I’ve been playing lots of “not bad” players… so I’m not getting away with shit… :slightly_frowning_face:

I can give you a run down of legit fraudulent shit after work.

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I’d appreciate it. No rush though.

All this honesty in my game is making me sick.

Brian f is probably going off y zeku, his cmd dashes, sweeps and dash ins that can be hard to deal with lag. If your at a low level these things are a winning strategy.

To be fair, I get a significant amount of wins/damage from slide>VTC.

I like to think of G as Fireball Island. Or maybe Don’t Wake Daddy for VT1.

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Before s4 people failed to punish a bunch of things. Like at the end of his vt1 your -2 ob. But zeku players would keep pressing 3 frame jab to take turn back. Or the hard to punish bushinto which was -6 and you’d have master rank getting jabbed with a 3 frame. With vt1 you get 4 cancels and because of the input lag walking forward even for a minute moment means you can get punished. It’s not just zeku though, but his seems to be among the best (due to its range).

Wow the netcode for DOA 6 is freaking amazing.

Fought a few opponents on 1 bar and some on WiFi and the matches all went flawless!

Nobody in their right mind is doing the -2 version of Zeku’s vt1 anymore. -1 is where its at.

This isn’t a DoA specific comment, but it seems like lots of games in recent years have reports of great netcode during beta periods when there aren’t a lot of people on them yet. There might be some sort of selection bias effect in the people that get matched up with each other, like the people online are more likely to be geographically close or something.


Damn i thought it was Japanese wizardry at work.

This is true, I remember the same was said about SFV in the beta days.

I also have a feeling MvCI’s netcode wouldve suffered the same fate had it had more players… I played once or twice with Akhos and he said it was laggy af while for me it was fine, maybe the one sided rollback is also there :disappointed_relieved:

Also worth pointing out, as netcode has improved, we are getting pickier.

Also, remember that netcode can only do so much, at some level the individual connections are still going to govern things.

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Wasnt the beta before the cfn bs was implemented? Feel like that shit ruined the game lol

Zeku BS is pretty tamed compared to characters like Urien or Menat after theirs VT popping, but he has a lot of tricky stuff to keep the opponent on his toes. In general you can’t abuse shit.

EDIT: I thought birthday bois had a piece of cake symbol next of theirs nicknames, where’s mine, smh

I think her hurtbox moves backwards during the start-up, which would make the cross-up whiff.

Can’t check right now though.

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