SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Ed should get a VT3 where he gets an overhead and a command grab


I still use Kolin’s VT1 for right now for simplicity’s sake. I also don’t like what it does to her non ice skate dash.

Yeah it’s the aftermath that seems too much.

Another way to look at it is that it is all fallout of from the lackluster defensive options, which makes that aftermath so silly.

For some of the better characters I feel their defensive options are fine within this game. You actually do a have a lot of defensive options as far as number and can mix up those options. It’s why Bison is basically top tier. If you have a good Bison you understand his defensive options are actually pretty solid vs any character that isn’t a command grabber. Once he got his 3 frame in S2 that rounded out his close defense game pretty nicely and has one of the better supers for defense.

Issue with the game offensively is mainly too much meterless/one meter damage dump and too many things that carry into the corner. Which then if you’re Nash in the corner good luck. If you’re Rashid in the corner great you actually have a bunch of solid defensive options still because you’re top tier.

Everyone I play at the end of a set always seems frustrated, I’m always chill af after I finish sets lmao

People like grrrr that’s enough for me I can’t win or grrr I played badly


Because that worked out so well for Cammy.

real talk if Falke’s VT2 wasn’t suicide to activate in neutral or on block I would wanna use a lot even though it’s not as good as VT1 :frowning:

Falke VT2 is useable now and there’s probably a couple matchups that I’d bother using it in now once I lab it up. Still no VT1 but I’ll take useable VT2 over trash 3 bar VT2.

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The best thing about Falke VT2 it’s a VT nobody uses attached to a character nobody plays. Robberies will happen occasionally because people have no clue wtf is going on.

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Still stand by my point that Falke’s VT2 is solid and has some grim shit you can use not only for shiiting out damage, but also for bullying those stubby buttons everyone has.

You lose some defensive VT utility, yes. Get over it. At least she has an EX DP.

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Yeah at lower level play that could happen.

Against Grand Masters and Ultimate Grand Masters, you might get one match of robbery before they realize there’s no threat even if they block the overhead (which is very reactable) and then it’s over. Then you’re stick with a minus VTC (automatically throwing you out of VT meta) into stuff that requires one hit confirms off stuff that’s minus on block to get damage dump. Basically then just becomes one of the hardest to execute robberies in the game and not worth it.


I’m never taking this game serious enough to get to grand master level anyways so I’m fine with that.

Now let me flip like I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi in the first Star Wars prequel and blow up some fools who will always, ALWAYS push buttons after blocking that flip even though I’ve hit them with it five times (that literally includes several people I’ve played against who are Diamond, lol).


Yeah that’s why the trigger isn’t great in the long run. If you just tell people not to press after the overhead it’s over.

I did tell them not to press.
Several times.
They did not stop.

These guys are Diamond. ._.



I really like Kolin VT1… but VT2 is better in almost every matchup… it makes me sad.

I need to sit and just lab some VT2 bs to enforce, because I always panic and forget mid match (lack of experience/ practice does that)

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Diamond is effectively the new Platinum now if you account for inflation in points after S2.

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Just the fact that it gives you damage off them long buttons already sets it as good utility in my book.

I feel like this is a minority perspective though because most die hard SF fans would tell you they think anime is too hard to keep up with. Jin used to play old school GG and he doesn’t even wanna bother playing new GG or anime games in general. I know he says it’s primarily due to the anime aesthetic but that’s usually a surface level complaint that hides the other issue. And that issue is time commitment relative to being decent to really good at the game. Anime games have a tendency to be a ghost town so you aren’t jumping into rank and playing people at your level very often if at all. So you gotta hit up that one US lobby that just so happens to have that one dude that won Anime Ascension last year. I look at DBF as a good example of this. Tons of people that would never give anime a chance are playing DB because it’s DB. And because it’s DB they are willing to spend anime hours to get gud at it.

I find SF to be simple as fuck on the surface level. I don’t look at SFV and find myself wondering what’s going on.

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That’s part of why I don’t think it’s worth bothering with as her damage dump off her long buttons is already solid. Might as well stick to VT1 where you get new ways to chip with those long buttons that already convert into strong damage. More reward for if they block instead of the same reward for if they block and they’re going to block because you’re Falke and don’t have mix up outside of butt close range.

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I always think the big detractor for anime style games is that the require much more memorization at the outset. I mean, even basic BnBs can require 30+ inputs. When you understand how these games work it’s not that bad, but that kinda thing is intimidating.

A lot of it comes from where you started. Like I’ve said before air-dashers are my preference, and SF is definitely out my element, so that definitely colors how I view things.

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