SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

You also typically have more options at all times which helps. Here are many fewer situations where you just have to “take it”.


Bruh I main a character with single button specials what execution are you talking about XP

Why you gotta be like that man :frowning:

Leave Ed alone he needs everything he can get


At the moment they’re somewhat imbalanced because a good number of them have fast recovery, making it difficult to whiff punish with stubby ass normals.
If they increase the recovery so that it becomes much more risky if you throw it (Urien’s st hp for example), meaning you eat a jump in or a cc or whiff punish.
But otherwise they’re fine. They’re good answer to people who mash with their lights up close or buffer normals in neutral.

Yes but on a regular CH he isn’t dashing into a combo or building V-Gauge. He also wouldn’t be able to convert into much (if any) damage on a max range normal CH, and certainly none without meter.

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He does… but I’ve played you a bunch and that is my go to example…

That’s a fair point, at range he wouldn’t get much on normal counter hit.

Yeah but you also have Abigail there who gets a full dash-in crhp for crazy damage off of sthp CC

s.HP is like 20 plus frame start up so if you got hit, you got hit. If the reward was any less good it would kinda suck. Even before it was whiff punishable most top players still just baited it with jump overs any way.

Either way no good Abi is going to throw it out at a range where it won’t make contact so better just have your jumps ready or block it out.

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Like I said, there be many characters that do this. It’s no less dumb when he does it.

Though his sHP is a lot less good.

Edit: Abi cHK>VTC is probably the better example of his derpy derp move.

Sweeps are pretty strong after all.

I haven’t even checked the data on his new regular sweep yet.

It’s a normal sweep. Decent range and priority, very unsafe. And since it’s Abigail it’s laggyer than normal.

His cHK is the roll. It’s a giant 16 frame hitbox that causes a spin out CC on the first hit. With VTC stocked it becomes very “just do it”.

Yeah it was more of a problem when he had a 2 bar VT1 since it could kinda take you out of the air on certain jumps also. Now that both his triggers are 3 bars gives more room to look out for it and not have multiple chances throughout the match to force you to deal with it. It’s fair enough for him now and have always liked that his c.HK is rather different than other sweeps in utility.

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Yeah, the derp issue really isn’t the sweep, it’s the VTC.

It’s actually already really good on Counter Hit without VTC.

VTC is a game wide “problem” more than any specific character problem and it was only really a specific problem at 2 bars. At 3 bars it’s just another sweep VTC and that effectively takes care of the problem of him being able to fish with it as the highest health character in the middle of the match. Now c.HK VTC is more of an end game tool and he has to burn v reversals more often to get to that end game tool at 3 bars. Much more fair now.


Oh agreed, it’s absoutley a game wide thing. As long as it is, Abi cHK>VTC is about as fair as it can be.

I was mostly just giving an example where abi gets to derp with CC’s.

VTC is the real comeback mechanic. Some chars don’t get the memo and actually have good VTs.

Kolin gets to derp with s.HP before and after VTC. Throwing around buttons is the game. Her VT2 uniquely makes her s.HP even longer.


Yes? I wasn’t attempting to downplay my characters at all.

Kolin has one of the most degenerate VTs in the game.

Thinking about it in retrospect (and after having played a bunch of Tekken), crush counters might have been Capcom’s attempt to put another 3D-esque mechanic into the game without really thinking about how it actually works out in a 2D game*. In 3D games, safe-on-block moves that are merely okay on normal hit and provide monster damage on counter hit are pretty common, but they’re typically fairly easy to sidestep and/or possible to duck under, so there’s usually fairly straightforward counterplay to them. However when you can’t sidestep, punish or duck under them (duckable crush counters are pretty bad when ducking is your default defensive position), you end up either jumping or using one of your own.

I really don’t think they’re a bad idea tbh. My complaints would be less about crush counters and more about how neutral in this game tends to work outside of crush counters. A lot of options feel really tame.

*see the “turn-based” nature of the game, except you have universal tools to “steal” turns in 3D games in form of lowjabs, sidesteps, crushes that you still need to respect.

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Yeah it’s good. Good buttons are good to throw around.

My only issue with CC’s is they do to much meterless/one meter damage and the best ones always corner carry into…the corner lol. Otherwise they enforce the throw around heavy buttons stuff I liked from 3S and CVS2 so can’t complain otherwise.

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