SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Just imagine…JUST IMAGINE

Actually, bees have suffered a dramatic drop in population which has increasingly been of concern because of the important role they play as pollinators.

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Yeah some days are just shot in terms of FGs.

Mika is the gold standard of SFV grapplers for a reason. Her up close pressure is off the charts and she can command grab your ass and not lose her momentum from it. Also due to her buttons she is a pretty good brawler too. She dies if you can’t get in but that is all the grapplers and if she does get in odds are fair that you explode.

I sort of like how Ultra David described Abi, at least in this version, where he is more of a “limbs” character now. He’s less a space controlling Mika and more of a more aggressive Menat/Dhalsim that also has a command grab (technically 2 I guess). And at least unlike those chars he can still shit out damage with his combos and EX command grabs if you can get to them.

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That’s basicaly my approach, I just think if they are going to keep his mobility and grab shit, they should give back some of the things they took.

Fuck that as long as he is shitting out damage with nonsensical hitboxes and 2/3+ hit of armor he can stay how he is.


stupid question I guess, I know crush counters isn’t really a good mechanic but I guess idk exactly how I would explain it. Is it because of how abusive a lot of them can be and such?

I don’t know that crush counters are bad as a concept, it’s more just that the way they work with the priority system leads to fishing with big slow buttons in ways that would be foolish in other games.


It’s bad because priority system makes them beat weaker buttons and getting CH means you eat a fat combo. The above makes them hard/dangerous to contest, on top of the fact that most are safe or even plus.

This. This is the biggest issue. Crush Counters are high-reward, but when you have them linked to buttons that don’t really present much of a risk you got a problem.

And that is a general thing. Even Ryu’s St. HP being only -1 and an 8f normal with a fairly decent range makes it ripe to abusing. This was never adressed even in his deplorable S2 state.

CCs would be a lot more manageable if they were linked to moves with obvious drawbacks. Cammy’s St. HK is a fairly good example because it doesn’t hit crouchers.

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I’ve heard people say to just remove the spin state CC’s. I think that makes some sense. If they did that and severely weakened VTC the game would lose a lot of its “gamble” factor.

Also the game literally needs he priority system for its pressure to function for many characters. There are 3 frame gaps everywhere.

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I’d be perfectly fine with CC’s if they were just on things like whiffed DPs and Flash Kicks. Being able to just throw out CC buttons and score one isn’t my cup of tea.

CCs are totally fine in SFV’s context, it’s just the haters’ #1 pet peeve. As soon as someone posts “nerf crush counters” he can be written of as one.

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This is something I hate about myself when it comes to “anime” because I’d play it more often if I knew how to understand what I’m seeing or what I should be doing. One of the biggest issues that plague fighting games is the “what do you do after you kinda know how to do stuff” hurdle. In GG you have a shit ton of character to character specific stuff plus player Vs player stuff that is extremely nuanced. These are things beyond the typical “I got hit and I can’t get up!!!” situations. Like some weird corner specific set up that only works on Pot but only when he’s crouching and only when he pressed a button that moved his hitbox 1.1.5 milli inch to the right. And you still have to have 2 bars or it wont connect. It’s not like SFV doesn’t have a little of that but it’s def a large aspect of seeing the matrix as I like to call it. This is why I know I’ll prob fucking die a thousand times in GranBlue Versus even if it’s a watered down for shit eating babies anime game because it’s like… nigga what am I even supposed to do!? lol

Edit: D’vorah looks fucking ugly I swear if anyone here think she looks good just ban yourself from my life!


I don’t anticipate any big changes this late in the game’s life. They aren’t going to put in all that work to rebalance everything, and if they take out gambling now people won’t even recognize the game as SFV anymore.

Oh I know. But that can’t stop me from wishing!

There’s still a (slim) chance of a more substantial 4.5 patch. But

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That’s more about optimization. GG definitely has a lot of stuff like this, but you can also go for the guaranteed setups that work on everyone instead of dropping combo video candy on their asses.

Truth be told, I think that you’d have a harder time keeping track of all the mechanics, movement options and the breakneck pace of anime. SF has a much more deliberate pace and a lot of commitment compared to anime where people like Ky can just YRC a fireball and blitzkrieg your ass.

You get used to it, but damn that shit is terrifying for newcomers.

I actually think SF is actually faster in a lot of its gameplay than an anime game. When stuff starts happening in SF (at least the SF4 era games), it’s happens really fucking fast and in rapid succession. In most anime games there’s a lot of movement and “stuff” happening but the percentage that is consequential is lower.

And as an anime player, I find a lot more of SFs gameplay terrifying.

So it’s perspective I guess?

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To me CC just need their risk/reward/utility ratio balanced.

Take Balrog s.hk for example.
9f startup
Dash combo on CH
+3(!) on block
Decent range.

Like lol what? On a teleport-fast dash character like Balrog? It’s dumb as hell.

Most aren’t that dumb obviously but you get the idea. You should not be able to threaten 200+ high priority damage and remain safe on block without giving up something (ex. whiffing on crouchers).


Could be. Neutral in anime is a lot more fast paced than SF in general, mostly because everyone has more and better options, so people get hit faster.

SFIV did have quick bursts of speed when people were getting ass-blasted, but neutral-wise? I dunno, depends if people are on FADC range I guess.

To be fair, that shit is already +7 on hit (I think) so wouldn’t it still get a combo on counter hit even without the CC? And in some cases wouldn’t that be even more damage as there is no CC scaling?

I have more of an issue with the longer CC buttons. To pick on @Akhos for a second. If Ed gets a CC sHK he get a little combo but really good pressure. The resulting situation could pretty well end the match (he’s not the only one).

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