SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Anyone who wants s2 tap back should be jailed or institutionalized, whatever hurts them worse.

Awhile ago I had someone I was very good friends with in high school call me up out of the blue.

At first it was nice enough to hear from him and catch up in general. We reminisced a little about high school, then he told me about his new wife, his kids, and his newfound religious beliefs.

Shortly after that he was asking me if I new that Barack Obama was a lizard person. He could tell that he was wearing a person’s skin because if you look really closely around his ears and neck you can see where the human skin doesn’t all the way attach.

While it can be scary realizing the person you are talking to is completely fucking crazy, there is also something oddly comforting when you identify that you are talking to a crazy person and know you just need to calmly back out of the conversation.

Asking for S2 TAP back is like telling me you know the president is a lizard person.


I was only asking about GG/UNIST out of curiosity. Was thinking about picking up second game to mess around with.

story checks out


I will always shill for UNIST. I’ve tried pretty much every anime game that has come down the pike and it is still my favorite (Xrd being a close 2nd).

Fantastic tutorial and the character challenges are fun if you want something to mess around with. My online experiences have been pretty good with it too but it is a niche anime game so getting random games in a la SFV isn’t really an option. I did have okay luck at finding active player lobbies when I’ve looked and the discord is pretty active. This is all on PS4, can’t speak to PC.


Due to his mobility like you said, he is easy to deal with if you have a fireball to contain him. But if you dont have the fireball to contain and have to play his game, it gets very difficult.

Honestly, Urien’s fireballs should be way worse than they are imo. I need to look it up but i remember his fireballs being almost on par with Ryu’s which is crazy to me.

Additional problem with his fireball is that there is no hurtbox in front of him.
Makes no sense.

Bbtag foe sho

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BBTag is ridic levels of fun.

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Urien’s are actually worse than you think, they’re 50f total. That’s worse than Cody’s, and only 1f better than Kage’s red fireball. They have a faster startup than stuff like Cody’s and red fireball, making em harder to get the jump on.

But his data on fireballs isn’t very good.

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PS5 is on the way (alledgely) and Capcom will kill off SFV after a year and change…you can even feel them shanking the game as we speak.

I can’t wait for Rival Schools and Darkstalkers main debut on the late-gen-new consoles.


It does feel like the tail end of the PS4. And Capcom clearly is shanking SFV. We got radio silence even in the financial reports and even 30th AC showed up there.

In other SF-Related news, if you didn’t play the 3DS version of SFIV, you’re a filthy casual.
Did you know you can assign specials to touch screen buttons there? Including a TAP that auto-charges without locking up buttons. I finally found a TAP better than S2’s.

Never did tap. Did do walk up piledrivers and 720s, divekicks and free flashkicks and booms.

Guile was beyond cheap in that game. Miss my 3DS.


90% of online base consist of guile players mashing boom. i have the game but cant get around the terrible 3ds dpad.

What…the FUCK did they do to my Waifu Bee, why does she have 5 dredlocks lookin’ like Ron Killings

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I know how you feel man. From my side of things you were playing well. Kept it together and didn’t crack when I had a good lead on some of those rounds and brought it all the way back.

For me in SFV it runs hot and cold and when it runs cold it can feel terrible. Even if you aren’t actually doing that badly practically.

Just need to put in more time. If you shelved everyone else and mainlined Menat, you’d be Sako Jr. in no time. You have the execution and dedication for the trickiest elements of her so the biggest thing is getting comfortable with her neutral and defense.

In that regard I think she is really unforgiving and the main reason I was too much of a coward to play her. When she works she is an oppressive wall of hitboxes and space control but in this game missing one jump in can end you and that gets even more frustrating when you are sort of pecking the other person to death like she does. 3 bar VT1 makes it crucial to get a good lead before VT time otherwise she may not have enough juice to swing the round back her way even with a 3 hour combo.


She’s a bug. The fact that you even had her as a waifu is disturbing.


Bugs will still be here after humanity has killed itself. He’s just thinking ahead.


I went on dragonball later with my group there and was equally awful, dropping everything and having generally shit reaction times…

Oh well, bad days are bad days. I want to play again and bust out my garbo-Sakura. I was enjoying playing her even if I’m no good yet.

Also, I re-read abigails patch notes again and it still makes me mad. They said they see him as more of a brawler and less a grappler… but all they did was make him less of a grappler… it was especially evident fighting Mika (fuck that character), why is she allowed these fantastic command grabs with range and oki, while the big slow jackass can’t tick off basically anything.

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Our Discord is EU only and we have up to 34 participants in our monthly UNI tournaments.
Though it’s the least active one in the MM section.

That beeing said, we’re not UNI focused and our maingame is CF.
Were you can snap with your finger and get 5 people to play with.