SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

God I’m so fucking garbage at this

GGs @Akhos @FlyingVe

I seriously meant to leave after the last Kolin match but I hit the wrong goddamn button. :sob:

GG’s @Akhos @GetTheTables

I feel like I am playing like crap tonight…

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GGs guys

Wish I was smart enough to use Menat, but alas, I’m not worthy of playing her. Which sucks 'cause I love everything about her

At least Ed’s a close second

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Does anyone here play UNIST or GG?



I used to play Guilty Gear a bunch up until Canada Cup this year. Really tough game to get into. You really have to lab every single interaction to understand how to deal with it.

D’Vorah new design be looking like Whoopi Goldberg. Forehead and hairline.

Car wash bodied me yesterday and today. I tried to go yesterday afternoon around rush hour and the line for one of the car washes was like 30 cars long. Stretched out to the intersection. Went out today a bit earlier and was already similar shit at another car wash. The other 30 car long wash was only like 15 cars long, but I’m still not waiting that long.

Just gonna go after morning rush and sit there until I can get it washed.

Yeah, in our last set especially I noticed you keying in on my actions after cr.mk/st.mk and watching for back dash into forward dash.

I’ve got answers for that though now :slight_smile:

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Nope. You don’t, unless you’re playing as/against one of the actual lab characters.

Lab time is far, far more necessary in SFV than in Xrd imo.

Hmm I don’t know about that one. I wouldn’t compare Xrd to SFV other than the importance oki plays in that game. Knowing when to dead angle and blitz and the os needed to deal with interactions with characters such as Raven, Slayer, even Ky seem to be heavy on the lab end. Not to mention all the offensive setups and ways to deal with neutral (YRC urgh). What do you need to lab in sfv that’s unique? Quick rise and back rise?

I’m more of an Sf player than a GG player so I don’t really care if Guilty Gear is easier to get into than sfv. I gave it a shot for a few years and just wasn’t for me.

Edit: I think I get where you are coming from now that I thought about it more, but I still feel there are way more unique situations in GG that require explicit “under the hood” understanding of the game beyond spacing and frame data.

I play both those games, what you need boss?

Javits wants season 2 TAP back. Dudes on drugs with the fishing rod.

Urien dash is harder to spot when the Urien is decent, he doesn’t follow with it from a normal, he’ll just hang in range where st.hp is a threat and then close the gap instantly.

Unlike other charge characters, Urien can play the walk game when close because charged st.hp gives him enough time from it’s startpoint to charge up a special for the confirm. So it’s not just a case of special/dash on him when he’s midrange.

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Both kinda but I don’t get to put much time into either. Still always willing to anime it up, esp UNIST.

Yeah I noticed though there’s a slight method to the madness. He will hide tackles behind fireballs and knee drops behind crouching normals.

Another one they like is st.fierce shoulder.

A lot of them try the ol dash up after a throw too.

Yeah he’s got way more flexibility in his midrange to sneak dashes in over say, Bison/Balrog who have similar archetypes, if he couldn’t play the walk and keep charge confirms he’d prolly have to sit still more, but Nemo shows that Urien is anything but immobile, probably the only character character you don’t want to sit on a charge with.

I still find Balrog hard, I think because he has a weird jump that’s hard to AA with that jump in fierce ( maybe just me). So I’m not fully concentrating on the ground. Urien is easy to AA.

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The thing for me is that it’s possible to get offense going in Xrd without having frame perfect canned meaties, and the universal defensive options give a lot of leeway. Plus, mashing jabs on wakeup as a really shitty risk reward in Xrd. In contrast, in SFV you NEED those canned setups with most characters or you will get wakeup jab VTC into death.

Obviously there’s a lot more stuff to lab in Xrd in the long run, both in terms of defense, oki and combo optimization, but in SFV it’s literally something you need from the get-go or most characters I’ve tried just won’t work properly.

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