SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I cannot believe I hit blacklist limit again.
It is insane that with netcode this bad and without region filter they put a limit.

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I won’t be too surprised if Capcom starts selling additional blacklist entries for fight money.


Lmao Nemo such a nut. Mans got rolled for not checking them dashes.

The mistake is forgetting for even an instant that Nemo desperately wants to get elbow deep in that ass.

See 2:34 for an example. If he blocked for another half second he would have gotten a big 'ol punish but that is way longer than Nemo is willing to not be punching you in the face.

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After playing MHW for a long time I’ve come to the conclusion Sakura is in need of a Handler crossover costume



Urien has a 16 frame dash. You aren’t checking shit.

For reference, Ryu/Sakura’s dash is 16 :thinking:

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Pretty sure Urien’s dash is 16 or 17 frames. Only characters with 15f dashes are Chun and Ken iirc. Point still stands though.

Man if Ryu, ken or Urien are looking at me and not pressing shit they bout to dash or jump lmao.

Urien dash is 16.

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I mean, in theory dash throw is 20 frames, so you could jab out… but if you fuck up you explode.

Meant 16. Same as Cammy.

Stupid phone thumbs. :sob:

But yeah, Urien gets to jerk forward in a million ways. Cant really be actively defensive against the dash because then he’ll CC you with st. Hp or you’ll eat an EX tackle.

Good job, capcom.

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Idk where you guys are all from but here it’s like 60 degrees on a winter day. Take advantage if you can.

And right as i type that some damn insect bites me. Bitch


It’s supposed to be 70 today where I’m at in the mountains in NC which is a great change. Got the steaks marinating now lol.


+1 LOL

And +1 Insightful because This Is A Complete Sentence.

Still 40 here. Yesterday was nice though. I’m taking advantage by putting the grille to good use.

We went from -10 to 50 in 2 days and that lasted a bit, but tonight we go back to frozen hell and get some kind of ice storm.


The weather here is great. Gonna get a little run in with my dog before the displaced polar bears come for us all.


it was 29 this morning let me see…

its 34 now

76-78 over here.