SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I got a free copy with my Qanba Obsidian and gave it to @GetTheTables

Don’t force yourself if you’re not into it. Doa 6 has a beta test this Friday and you can use all the characters. You might prefer that.

Not sure if training room is available during the beta this weekend.

Any idea anyone?

I heard the beta is pretty much the full game available for free. Unless they randomly omit the training mode (which is not out of the realm of possibility) should be good.


Play Soulcalibur 6. It’s cool.


What makes Urien strong at lower levels is his ability to go full ape with reckless abandon rather that the strenght of his VT, silver and gold players can hardly punish a whiffed headbutt (can’t blame them that shit is so sudden it’s scary) and even at higher ranks a lot of people seem to think that cr.mp and f.mp are + ob.
But to be honest it’s not like you need to apply some galaxy brain mixups to get mileage out of aegis

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there you go

first link leads to the official website which explains the basics.


Fair and Balanced?

She just won a tournament, by SF standards is she unfair and OP.
Whens the nerfbat, so people like you won’t get carried anymore.

Still very much appreciated. Didn’t get a lot of use out of it but did crack the box open and play some sets against MrB.

Fun game but it seems like a helluva lot to learn. And there are plenty of days where it feels like I can barely handle SFV, the dumb FG for super babies. :upside_down_face:

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Good points. All that means is that Urien can carry at many levels.

I wasn’t trying to imply that you needed the galaxy brain for aegis, but it does require some practice/knowledge. My point was, once you do that, the character does the work for you.

That’s P4A.


Urien is fair nowadays…back in my day he was about to phase through Juri’s FUCKING NORMALS AND STUFF DPs %@W^@^&@#&# DEVIL JIN POST THE GIF

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Interesting thing is that lately with playing Falke in ranked I don’t really have too much of a problem with Rashid anymore. S2 Rashid I couldn’t stand fighting even with Ibuki, but now he’s not that bad for me. Most surprisingly he seem like a character that I should absolutely hate playing against with Falke, but I really don’t have much any real problems using Falke vs him. Pretty much any Rashid under my rank I can take care of without much work and can do well or beat even GM ones if I’m on point.

I want to say part of that is that her ground shot technically allows her to slowdown his whirlwind game if you don’t abuse it and she does have some alright punishes for his eagle dive stuff. Her tall anti air make it so he can’t abuse air stuff too much either. She can hit from outside of his c.HP range and generally his button are easier for me to counter poke than BIson’s.

Watching that match kind of reminds me of how my matches with Falke vs Sagat go. If I get in the corner it’s bad, but that’s bad with Fang and like 2 other characters any ways so whatever. Otherwise the mid range is pretty doable and you can cover his air approach well so he has to come from the ground most of the time. Limiting his options to disrespect your life lead.

I mean might as well pick up Cammy any way either way because it’s not like it won’t be easier and it’ll especially make Bison easier. Bison I just can’t control to any amazing degree even if the matchup is slightly easier. No matter what rank they are one bad s.HP CC or 2 medium bnbs and round is probably near over.


I think that depends on the char. The swordfolk seemed blessed but I never felt like I had easy time for babies when I was using Kanji.

Well I did up until people I played got good enough to recognize you could duck evade his air grab. :smile: But goddamn do I remember taking some drubbings at the hands of Aigis

I’m in the same spot with Kolin using VT2 as I was using VT1 though because I’m bad.

Also you need setplay eyes to make VT2 actually work. That’s why Neon is like the best Kolin and everyone else is just basic. Momo doesn’t count because he doesn’t need VT2 to play Kolin.

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You really don’t need setplay, I thought so too but nah. You can literally just spend it on the dash into cr.lk ticks and it’s better than most VTs in the game still.

That’s pretty much how Momochi uses it. He’s not going to do any Neon Marvel ice knockdown set up shit. Just uses it to close the gap and confirm or tick.

I still use VT1 Kolin because it’s cool looking.

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Kolin’s VT1 is something I forget about until I randomly see it in a match. Which is kind of crazy to me because I feel like everyone and their cousin was playing her (at least here on SRK) during S2 so I saw it a shitload. That ice wave should be seared into my nightmares.

You actually need a fuckton of practice to pull off some of his mixups/setups consistently (mainly the f.mp sideswitch) and you also need to learn several of them to catch people off guard plus a lot of situational awarness to get the most out of scramble situations. High level Urien takes a lot of work and optimization which is kinda the reason why there aren’t many players that can reach top 8 at events with him.
But ngl he’s godlike online

Sweet Baby Jesus

Sak Mod

Cammy Mod