SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

If Cody gets buffs holy fuck I’ll puke.


Okay I figured after I read you wanted ibuki buffs too lol. Not that it counts for anything since I’m a scrub but I find falke hard af to play against.

Jesus we getting adverts about costume packs on the match screen,


Yeah Falke gives me the line in the sand character I was looking for to protext Ibuki from big nasty grab characters like Gief and Abi.

I still want buffs for Ibuki because you should always wants buffs for your main

the age of electronic sports are upon us

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You’re gonna be having a rough time very soon

At the EVO 2016 finals, Fuudo had to stop using Mika’s default outfit because ESPN felt it was too revealing. At the EVO 2017 finals, Kazunoko had to stop using Cammy’s default outfit for the same reason.

So very likely, yes.

Jim Sterling raised a similar concern in a recent video he did about SFV’s ads, that it risks bringing in oversight and changes by advertising companies. The more Capcom tries to bring in additional ad revenue, the more power Capcom gives to those advertising companies to shape Capcom’s own products.

So does Birdie chuck a can of Redbull, or does that make too much sense?


Probably not even then. The initial announcement said that there was a cap on how much FM you could get through ads.

Just had a thought… What happens when a player’s sponsors conflict with companies that buy ads direct from Capcom? Particularly if Capcom requires even some ad-elements in tournaments? Or will Capcom expect player sponsors to slip some cash to make sure their player’s characters can sport their brand’s logo?

I just saw the ad during the VS screen and ALT+F4’d

I’ll be back when they reveal a new character :^)

It’s actually really poorly implemented, not only is that a weird spot to put it, it screen blends you into the match. Feels all round crappy. At least have it cut to black then match.

Yuk, wut have they done.

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That Cammy life is hard. She and Falke really need more buffs going into Season 4.



Ryu hados should be replaced with moving CPT balls.

If Capcom is gonna do this don’t half ass it. Make it so prevelant that its funny and ridiculous.


These ads remind me of a f2p mobile game.
And I don’t see them implementing this just to advertise their own stuff in their own game. Seems desperate, and if they’re shameless enough to do this I can’t wait wait to see what this evolves into if it works. Because then the suits going to go wild with this shit.

FUCK NO… this shit is crappy and still on screen a bit when you start the match. This is fucking bullshit. Fuck this ugly ass shit. I wanna go to capcom headquarters and spray paint “Dimes personal PT business, any day any time” right on their fucking windows and see how they like it.

Ugly ass shit.


Lol game is triple trash now.

Active your Cup’O’Noodles trigger for the win!

Can’t wait for SF6 so I can have supers sponsored by companies.

He activated his Baha Blast Art!


The warning signs were in place, you guys just chose not to listen


Balance patch incoming to smooth the transition out.


How do you get gif avatars? I don’t see an option to get avatars from URLs.

You should have an option to upload them. Only worth it if you are browsing on your phone.

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