SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

The post is meant to highlight who Ryu needs to become to be relevant and stand out, not necessarily what he needs to be strong.

That only means you are a GM Falke who is smurfing around diamond level.

You should be ashamed of yourself !!!

So we wen’t from Button discussions to “my main is shit” again.

Sucks that I had to work, this looked like a great opportunity for a Cola and some popcorn.

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As a Ryu Fan I just want Evil Ryu in reboot or flash back games.

Ryu doesn’t need to be an edge lord at the age of thirties. Evil Ryu concept should be retired.

Ryu is about self control, patience, precision, accuracy, strategy and reaction. Evil Ryu should be already obsolete for the current Ryu.

I hate it when Evil Ryu has better normal in USF2 than generic Ryu. Since Evil Ryu is berserker Ryu that is more about losing self control, being brutal and rage.

Evil Ryu should be just about speed and damage but had bad waiting game. Something like Akuma gameplan but more tied himself on the ground.

Mu Ryu is more on control which also about ki manipulation and boost ki, They could make a Ryu that can telepathically manipulates the trajectory of his projectile that he can learn from Oro.

Other than the famous Denjin Hadouken.

Ryu that can add new distinctive features and variation to his projectile like in UMVC3 something in Hado Kakusei mode, where he can do “Ren Hadouken” and “Hadou Shoryuken” would be something more depliction of what MU Ryu is.

In the ending of SFV cinematic mode we got to see Ryu protects Chun and the little girl using Hadouken to shield and protect them without harming them. That’s the potential of the new Ryu. Mu Ryu is Ryu with the new training from Gouken and Oro.

From Gouken updating Ryu ki boost into more artful way of harnessing and using his Ki and increase his ki generation.

Then from Oro which is about advanced management of the new found Ki to make it be usefull strategically and technically in certain situations. Not another power up Ryu with more fire power like DB canon does(pretty bad) but about flow.

So we will avoid super saiyan shoto 1 to super saiyan shoto 4 or whatever god and uber version dbz has made along with battling aliens and deities.

Ryu updates in improvement is more on techniques and strategies of harnessing what he has already not about multiple upgrades of firepower and strength. So it would be exploring variance and new ways to project a attack rather than another more devastating more firepower thing.

I really like how late 90s and early 2k KOF tried to have many distinction with there characters projectile users that their story reflects how they are played in game. Like Bow, Kensou, Yuri and etc.

Another thing is something Ryu does in the Power Ranger Mobile game, where the he has the.

Taka Hadouken.

Or something that Yamcha’s Spirit Ball in DBFZ


Capcom should finally grow some balls and make an interesting main character, who has actual character.

Granted this won’t happen since we talk about Capcom, all characters in SF need to be flat and onedimensional.

Maybe they’ll buff ryus fireballs like they did with sfiv when evil ryu joined the cast lol

Fire balls in SF5 should be really strong, probably stronger than they have been in any sf game. So many characters have ways to close the distance reflect or absorb fireballs you’d think that characters with fire balls would be really good.

Yet really it’s only guile and he’s an example of having a fireball that has everything, plus, fast, slow, hits twice if you need it to, and fast recovery. And the crazy thing about him is if you toned down how good some of his normals are he wouldn’t be as top as he is…even with such a amazing fireball.

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Hmm…it’s a shame that we’ll never get a SF main character with a legitimate motivation, true capacity to feel emotions and a compelling growth arc ending in a great climax.

Oh wait, they already did. It was just hidden in an otherwise shitty story mode.

And the story should not be focus on Ryu as well after SF3.

Ryu should be like a side story character that is just not the center of the story anymore but do help or affect by enlightening the perspective of latter spotlight characters triumph a seemingly impossible opponent.

So no Ryu deus ex machina again, but rather a season veteran that just passing through and meeting new the character spotlight which will learn from him through fighting against him or fighting along side with him.

Ryu should start to be unattached to villains(includes Akuma and Bison) and the new future plot. The only thing he would connect with is wiith Ken, Sakura and Sean. Ryu’s journey should be just a side story in the future, but doesn’t affects the whole story. I didn’t like Ryu becoming some sort of super hero that saves the world or some form of SF goku.

This is me in how think Ryu character development should work in the later games.

There are no proper words to describe how much this sucks. :frowning:


I want to be the very best “pokemon theme”.

Great character, 0/10, wouldn’t recommend again.
Compelling growth as in “here is plot armor” is also a great way to put lazy writing and bad development.
“Hey this guy struggled for 30 years with a Dark Power, how do we solve it?”
“I don’t know let him sit for 50 minutes under a waterfall and lose to Ken once.”
“Genius 10/10!”

Ryu hasn’t been the focus at all since SF2/SF Alpha. Yeah he has a bad case of Ex Machina but otherwise receives literally no focus whatsoever. Shit in SF5 he’s seen in what, 10% of the story?

Who the fuck said Ryu is the Main Character of SF5?

He still becomes the deus ex machina in SF5 and in SF4 he is till the one that is chased by Seth which the whole thing is still about SNH.

Obviously, he’s the guy who isn’t present for 90% of the story, has like 10 minutes of screentime and gets to beat Bison in a single blow with 0 explanation to it other than “he got magicaly cured!”
Main Character syndrome 10/10.

I still love it how the Story Thread defends this lazy writing as great build up and justified ending, when this dumb hobo hasn’t done anything the past 30 years other than causing trouble for others.

He’s chased by Seth because he’s a convenient power source. SF5 was bullshit though, Nash should’ve killed him with the suicide bomb and left Ryu out of the plot entirely.

Ryu was not the center of the plot, the focus of the plot, or even relevant to the plot at ALL really. If Ryu never showed up and Nash just got the job done with the suicide bomb, nothing changes. The Main Character of SF5 is Rashid, plain and simple. He’s also the only character in the entire story that receives any sort of actual character arc.


The thing is it’s still Ryu being front and saves the day with the final blow. It should have been more with joint collaboration.

SF4 Aftermath did better beating of Bison.

SFV could have just been like the trailer intro of SFV where Nash, Ken, Chun and Guile combined efforts to destroy Bison.

Being the one to defeat the Final Villain doesn’t necessarily make one the main character. However, SFV does lead to some of the worst storytelling there is and showed that the Capcom FG division has no business writing any semblance of story. Just a ton of wasted resources because people bitched over something that SF never needed nor wanted.

It has explanation and build up that Ryu was the one meant to destroy Bison in SFV. The prophecy thing is about that. The failed prophecy of Gill.

But I just preferred more Nash and Guile spotlight against Bison then go with Ryu.

Not really because he just saves the day AGAIN. IF weren’t for Ryu even with the trio veteran Nash(enhanced by Gill), Guile and Chun they would have been destroyed.

Even Nash along with the rest of the guys is afraid and running in fear because of Necali… That time Nash is the next reliable strongest person from Ryu with the Shadaloo Raid Gang.