SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

So less pushback on st.MP (I actually asked for that) and more hitstun on both cr.HP and low shot. Pretty good.

Jesus dickfucking un-Christ this Kage thing is gonna piss in my cereal.

Upside is we get to body a bunch of edgelords that re-install the game just to play teh dark roo.

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Would rather have E.honda lool

I appreciate how the male DJ is leaning as far out of frame as possible.

He knows his job.

Seriously, all we needed is Eviler Ryu… I’d rather have Knocked Up Elena make an appearance. Heck, even Ingrid.

Still better than Kage.


Where are you guys seeing these leaks? I’ve been catching up to work with CC in the background and I haven’t seen anything… it looks like there’s a 3 hour gap with messages not showing up for me too for whatever reason


You’ll be happy to know

…whiff fireball xx VTC still appears to be a thing in S4

The bullet train that is this thread.

And Twitter but fuck Twitter. I just feed on re-posts.

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Oh she knows

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Holy fucking shit. I’m so disappointed.

Even Kages voice is shitty. Lol. I that badass characters only grunt and say stuff like “huh” “mmmm!”. Not the summary you find a resume.

“I am Kage. In my spare time I like to bake french pastry”

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What is this evil ryu CAC trash?

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So he’s just friggin Ryu Oni then


god this is so lame

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Hopefully he’s a free bonus character because like that’s still incredibly lame but it’s better than taking up a season 4 slot


Hey everyone the unstoppable force is about to hit the immovable object