SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

The top 8 chambered up for tomorrow sure is interesting.

I think Fuji is in a great spot to take it all but we should get a lot of good matches along the way.

I’m gonna be out most of the day so hopefully I can catch GF and whatever reveals they have.

If J Wong or Fuji win I’m happy

I’m going for Bonchan all the way. But realistically I think Fuji takes it.

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Bonchan is a asian of great honour

although I fear punk will try to assassinate him before top 8 because he fears the asians so much


I’d like Wong to win just because he’s been putting in work for such a long time. I wouldn’t mind seeing AngryBird taken. If he’s anything like Mena, he’ll help build his local scene and we’ll see more skilled players from under represented regions.


I wouldn’t mind Angrybird winning. Zeku is a pretty entertaining character.


I’m not gonna put Zeku winning anything solo on my mind yet, but Zeku mostly winning capcom cup would be pretty crazy


if he does though he’s gonna get nerfed to the ground

remember what happened when gen won evo that one year


Same, although Momochi is playing well. I’ll pick him as an outsider.

Gatchi hasn’t dropped a match yet, he may have unlocked the code.

top 4 is fujimura, gachikun, momochi, justin

ppl gonna lab the fk out of zeku tonight


To be fair though Gen was like Menat, he had that one thing that was epically strong.

Tomorrow we’ll find out if xkira was a prophet or phony. Will we get a double release?

A gorilla?
New netcode announcement?
new mechanic?

Personally I think we get viper and Honda

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They better do all 6 or I’m not eating my dinner.

Saying that I don’t care, I can’t see any of my picks making it.

maybe its multiple things at once

a netcode gorilla whose v-skill is to cause a frame skip, v-trigger is to induce a lot of rollback.

If Dan is in I’m taking a 2 week break from the game.

Unless Falke becomes top 5 on Monday then I’ll still play

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Rose, Viper will both be released at the same time much like what they did with G/Sagat. Probably available the following day.

The grappler thats being talked about is Honda.

8 characters. Believe.



Sorry, stfu bonchan. Don’t really care how much this post would get downvoted, but Bonchan playing caba right before punks match, and Daigo also giving caba any tips, definitely sounds like helping a mofo to me. Not that there s anything specifically wrong with it, I don’t see anything specifically wrong with calling it out either.

Bonchan plays Karin almost EXACTLY like punk plays her save for a couple things here and there and the obvious v trigger.

Punk lost because he lost, and there’s nothing wrong with coaching, but there’s also absolutely nothing wrong with calling it out.

I’m happy for caba and punk to make it to CC anyways, that’s a straight up accomplishment that about 99.99999% of the fgc will never be able to do.

But meh, were I in punks position with all that money riding on this and a legit actual chance to win, I’d be salty at that situation as well.

Then again, we’re i in caba position, you can be sure I’d take the free intelligence gathering from playing bonchans Karin, before playing punks.

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We can’t downvote anymore. Not that I would downvote your posts. <3