SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Angry Bird is inspirational.


And to think that Justin Wong was the guy who used to always go 0-2 in Capcup.

At this point he might win it. All he has to do is keep laming until his opponent develops senility before him.

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Wow he ate up all those booms with gram

Angry Bird is hot don’t @ me

Reminder that Zeku can actually fight Guile. Guile has the advantage in normals and other things but Zeku has shenanigans that work well against Guile.


Okay angry bird I see you

Samford said it was bullshit when that SRK Zeku beat Daigo


Yoooooooooooooooo honest ninja go

Sanford said Zeku was good, which is wrong. But Zeku can fight certain characters kinda well. Hilariously enough, Menat was one of those match ups that didn’t feel too bad either.

Also Angry Bird has not gone for a single flip throw or early kick.

Shenanigans like that one. Zeku can make flash kicks whiff for free.


I’m afraid of S4. If Zeku gets buffs…

Angry Bird making the most of this opportunity. Loving it. This is what Capcom Cup is all about.


You need your shenanigans vs Guile

My dogs are looking at me cause of the inhuman noises I made. Angry Bird’s my new favorite.


The won’t buff him where he needs it, so you’re okay. HIs normals are still terrible. Literally walk up to him and pop him in the face. Motherfucker ain’t trying to footsie anything.

Shoulder and Flip are kind of okayish at maneuvering Guile’s nonsense. Guile kind of loses the match up if he doesn’t just get all up in Zeku’s face and hit buttons. Back Fierce is hella good against Zeku. 8 frames of nonsense against shitty normals.

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Zeku top tier clearly




I love Karin but Punk deserves to lose purely for his use of the Ingrid costume

Falke is so basic though. I treat her like guile and menat. They’re strong, but they ain’t about to unga me.


Yeah Menats Unga requires work any way

Both her triggers are mediocre. With VT2 it’s more about making the opponent fearful of pressing something after shoulder which is -2 on block. You can just play more recklessly with the threat of the parry and if you have your cr.mk confirms down (like Bonchan) it leads into the same big damage that VT1 leads into anyway.