SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

We’re top 16 so Capcomfighters2 is dead, right?

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I really hope there was a verbal typo and we get Rose Master instead of Rose :^(

The G.O.D. I lose a lot too because it makes me feel younger T_T

Buff fucking Ryu god damn it.

It was really pissing me off how punk was getting gimmicked out in those first couple matches.

His adjustment was amazing. But seriously the ground flip out needs to go. It’s almost 4 seasons in and that shit is wack and needs to go bye bye.


Is punk still in? Got in late and was watching the Mena match and saw everybody going crazy in here over punk

Fuji is literally the only thing that stands in the way of world domination. He must be stopped!

Gonna have to catch a replay of Punk vs Fuudo. Was side eyeing it while watching something else with a friend.

Also LOL Rashid. that character is still doing w/e the fuck he wants.


My favourite character rinsing through the top tiers. Now imagine Sagat vs that.

Rashid must die.

Rashid is wild lmao

If you got no jump in, you’re fucked. Then you gotta play him on the ground and get one combod into the corner. We need Indiana Jones to take him out.

Hopefully bonchan sends this prick back to the stone Age.

How many years has it been and these dudes still can’t pronounce Karin’s name


Hopefully the UK ships you guys more criminals

:us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:

:us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:

:us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:


Agreed, if only to see Sagat maybe rear his shiny bald head into Top 8.

However, I gotta admit I am enjoying seeing Ken in top 16.

If Ken beats Karin I quit

‘that’s what ken can do… that’s what a lot of characters can do, take almost all your life in one single sequence’

Look I like SFV but that sure sounds like an indictment of SFV lmao


ken free…he free…

Why are most of these matches end in a final round? It’s not doing my heart any good.


Ken’s whiffed full screen heavy Tatsu is not punishable by any huuuuuman.